Quality in Measurement and Testing 3.8 Reference Procedures 125
Length, including laser frequencies and dimensional
Mass and related quantities, including mass stan-
dards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque,
gravity, viscosity, and fluid flow
Photometry and radiometry, including fiber optics
and properties of detectors, sources, and materials
Amount of substance, including high-purity chem-
icals, inorganic solutions, organic solutions, gases,
water, metals and metal alloys, advanced materials,
biological materials, food, fuels, sediments, soils,
ores and particulates, other materials, pH, elec-
trolytic conductivity, surfaces, films, and engineered
Ionizing radiation, including dosimetry, radioactiv-
ity, and neutron measurements
Thermometry, including temperature, humidity, and
thermophysical quantities
Time and frequency
In several of these CMC directories, entries for ref-
erence measurements of materials properties can be
found. However, the reference procedures for mater-
ials measurements are a long way from covering the
needs of materials metrology. Therefore, an initiative
was recently taken by some of the leading national
materials research institutes towards the International
Committee of Weights and Measures, proposing to
consider dedicated activities in the field of materials
A well-known international network for materials
research and technology is the Versailles project on ad-
vanced materials and standards(VA M A S ). VA M A S was
founded in 1982, as a follow-up action from a G7 eco-
nomic summit in Versailles, to provide a framework for
international collaboration on prestandardization mater-
ials research, with scope to provide a technical basis for
agreement on methodologies prior to the formal devel-
opment of standards.
The Versailles project on advanced materials and
The main objective of VA M A S is to support trade in
high-technology products through international collab-
orative projects aimed at providing the technical basis
for drafting codes of practise and specifications for
advanced materials. The scope of the collaboration em-
braces all agreed aspects of science and technology
concerned with advanced materials including materials
technology, test methods, design methods, and materials
databases that are required as a precursor to the drafting
of standards.
Current member countries are Australia, Brazil,
Canada, Taiwan, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan,
Mexico, South Africa, South Korea, UK, USA, and also
the EC,butVA M A S is open to organizations from other
countries to participate in research activities.
Technical work is done in various working groups,
the so-called technical work areas (TWA), of which
there are 16 currently
Surface chemical analysis
Polymer composites
Superconducting materials
Mechanical property measurement of thin films and
Performance-related properties of electroceramics
Full-field optical stress and strain measurement
Spectrometry of synthetic polymers
Nanomechanics applied to scanning probe mi-
Tissue engineering
Creep, crack, and fatigue growth in weldments
Modulus measurements
Polymer nanocomposites
Nanoparticle populations
Materials databases interoperability
Organic electronics
Quantitative microstructural analysis
Further information about VA M A S activities may be
obtained from the VA M A S website [3.77].
Considering the need to involve the metrology com-
munity, VA M A S approached the CIPM. The CIPM
established an ad hoc Working Group on Materials
Metrology (WGMM) in 2005. The WGMM published
its final report in 2008 [3.78], leading to the signature
of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between
VA M A S and the BIPM. This MoU provides the frame-
work for the activities on materials metrology of all
CIPM Consultative Committees (CC), including the es-
tablishment of special working groups in selected CC,
identification of key issues and priority areas, and the
development of collaborative studies for the validation
of reference test procedures and of CIPM appropriate
pilot studies for addressing comparability. The current
status of material metrology, including the activities of
the CIPM and of VA M A S and covering a broad scope of
application fields, is comprehensively outlined in a spe-
cial edition of Metrologia [3.79].
Part A 3.8