782 Introduction to Biofluid Mechanics
3. Modelling of Flow in Blood Vessels
There are approximately 100 000 km of blood vessels in the adult human body (Brown
et al. (1999)). In this section, we will examine several models for describing blood
flow in some important vessels.
General Introduction
Blood flow in the circulatory system is in general unsteady. In most regions it is
pulsatile due to the systolic and diastolic pumping. In pulsatile flow, the flow has a
periodic behavior and a net directional motion over the cycle. Pressure and velocity
profiles vary periodically with time, over the duration of a cardiac cycle. A dimension-
less parameter called the Womersley number, α, is used to characterize the pulsatile
nature of blood flow, and it is defined by:
α = a
, (17.12)
where, a is the radius of the tube, ω is the frequency of the pulse wave (heart rate
expressed in radians/sec), and ν is the kinematic viscosity. This definition shows that
Womersley number is a composite parameter of the Reynolds number, Re = u 2a/ν,
and the Strouhal number, St = ω 2a/u . The square of the Womersley number is
called the Stokes number. The Womersley number denotes the ratio of unsteady
inertial forces to viscous forces in the flow. It ranges from as large as about 20 in the
aorta, significantly greater than 1 in all large arteries, to as small as about 10
in the
capillaries. Let us estimate the Womersley number for an illustration. With a normal
heart rate of 72 beats per minute, ω = (2 π 72/60) ≈8 rad/s. Take ρ = 1.05gcm
µ = 0.04 g cm
and an artery of radius a = 0.5 cm. Then α ≈ 7. Decreasing
α values correspond to increasing role of viscous forces and, for α<1, viscous
effects are dominant. In that highly viscous regime, the flow may be regarded as
quasi-steady. With increasing α, inertial forces become important. In pulsatile flows,
flow separation may occur both by a geometric adverse pressure gradient and/or by
time varying changes in the driving pressure. Geometric adverse pressure gradients
may arise due to varying cross sectional areas through which the flow occurs. On
the other hand, time varying changes in a cardiac cycle result in acceleration and
deceleration during the cycle. An adverse pressure gradient during the deceleration
phase may result in flow separation.
Blood vessel walls are viscoelastic in their behavior. The ability of a blood ves-
sel wall to expand and contract passively with changes in pressure is an important
function of large arteries and veins. This ability of a vessel to distend and increase vol-
ume with increasing transmural pressure difference (inside minus outside pressure)
is quantified as vessel compliance. During systole, pressure from the left ventricle is
transmitted as a wave due to the elasticity of the arteries. Due to the compliant nature
of the arteries and their finite thickness, the pressure travels like a wave at a speed
much faster than the flow velocity. Since blood vessels may have many branches, the
reflection and transmission of waves in such branching vessels significantly compli-
cate the understanding of such flows. In this chapter, a reasonably simplified picture