818 Introduction to Biofluid Mechanics
At large Dean numbers, the centers of the two vortices move toward the outer
bend, α = 0, and the flow is very much reduced compared with a straight pipe
for equal magnitude pressure gradients. Detailed studies using advanced computa-
tional methods are required to resolve the flow structure at large D. They are as yet
unavailable in the published literature.
Pedley (2000) discusses nonuniqueness of curved tube flow results. When D
is sufficiently small, the steady flow equations have just one solution and there is a
single secondary flow vortex in each half of the tube. However, there is a critical value
of D, above which more than one steady solution exists and these may correspond to
four vortices, two in each half. Again, detailed computational studies are necessary
to resolve these features.
We will next study the flow of blood in collapsible tubes. The role of pressure
− p(x)
, on the vessel wall will be significant in such flows.
Flow in Collapsible Tubes
At large negative values of the transmural pressure difference (the difference between
the pressure inside and the pressure outside), the cross sectional area of a blood vessel
is either very small, the lumen being reduced to two narrow channels separated by a
flat region of contact between the opposite walls or it may even fall to zero. There is an
intermediate range of values of transmural pressure difference in which the cross sec-
tion is very compliant and even the small viscous or inertial pressure drop of the flow
may be enough to cause a large reduction in area, that is, collapse. Collapse occurs in
a number of situations and a listing is given by Kamm and Pedley (1989). Collapse
occurs, for example, in systemic veins above the heart (and outside the skull), as a
result of the gravitational decrease in internal pressure with height; intramyocardial
coronary blood vessels during systole; systemic arteries compressed by a sphygmo-
manometer cuff, or within the chest during cardiopulmonary resuscitation; pulmonary
blood vessels in the upper levels of the lung; large intrathoracic airways during forced
expiration or coughing; the urethra during micturition and in the ureter during peri-
staltic pumping. Collapse, therefore occurs both in small and large blood vessels, and
as a result both at low and high Reynolds numbers. In certain cases, at high Reynolds
number, collapse is accompanied by self-excited, flow-induced oscillations. There is
audible sound. For example, Korotkoff sounds heard during sphygmomanometry are
associated with this.
A Note on Korotkoff Sounds
Korotkoff sounds, named after Dr. Nikolai Korotkoff, a physician who described them
in 1905, are sounds that physicians listen for when they are taking blood pressure.
When the cuff of a sphygmomanometer is placed around the upper arm and inflated
to a pressure above the systolic pressure, there will be no sound audible because the
pressure in the cuff would be high enough to completely occlude the blood flow. If
the pressure is now dropped, the first Korotkoff sound will be heard. As the pressure
in the cuff is the same as the pressure produced by the heart, some blood will be able
to pass through the upper arm when the pressure in the artery rises during systole.