872 Index
Vortex (continued)
trailing, 695, 697–698
tubes, 140
von Karman vortex streets, 270,
Vortex flows
irrotational, 70–71
Rankine, 71–72
solid-body rotation, 68–69
Vorticity, 62–64
absolute, 155, 646
baroclinic flow and, 147–148
diffusion, 147, 297, 313–315
equation in nonrotating frame, 149–151
equation in rotating frame, 152–157
flux of, 64
Helmholtz vortex theorems, 149
Kelvin’s circulation theorem, 144–149
perturbation vorticity equation, 666–669
planetary, 155, 156, 611
potential, 646
quasi-geostrophic, 658–660
relative, 645
shallow-water theory, 644–647
Wall angle, flow at, 171–173
Wall-bounded shear flow, 570–580
Wall-free shear flow, 564–570
Wall jet, 385–388
Wall, law of the, 571–573
Wall layer, coherent structures in, 584–586
Water, physical properties of, 842
Wavelength, 216
Wavenumber, 216–217
See also Internal gravity waves; Surface
gravity waves
acoustic, 717
amplitude of, 216
angle, 753
capillary, 234
cnoidal, 252
compression, 214
deep-water, 230–231
at density interface, 255–259
dispersive, 223, 242–246, 270–272
drag, 291, 700, 760–761
elastic, 214, 717
energy flux, 229, 242–246
equation, 214–216
group speed, 229, 242–246
hydrostatic, 233
Kelvin, 639–643
lee, 656–657
packet, 240–241
parameters, 216–219
particle path and streamline, 224–227
phase of, 214
phase speed of, 217
e, 637
potential energy, 228
pressure, 214, 717
pressure change, 224
refraction, 233
Rossby, 657–663
shallow-water, 231–233
shock, 733–741
solitons, 252–253
solution, 668–669
sound, 717–720
standing, 237–238
Stokes’, 251
surface tension effects, 234–237
Sverdrup, 637
Wedge instability, 672–673
Welch J. E., 464
Wen, C. Y., 371, 409, 461, 464
White blood cells (leukocytes), 774
Whitham, G. B., 251, 277
Wieghardt K., 853
Williams, G. P., 676, 678
Windkessel theory, 791-792
aspect ratio, 681
bound vortices, 697–698
drag, induced/vortex, 697, 700
delta, 705
finite span, 695–697
lift and drag characteristics, 704–705
Prandtl and Lanchester lifting line
theory, 697–701
span, 680
tip, 680
tip vortices, 695
trailing vortices, 695, 697–698
WKB approximation, 650–652
Womersley number, 782
Woods J. D., 497, 536, 588, 600
Wosnik, M., 575–576, 601
Xylem, 833-835
flow, 835
Yaglom A. M., 539, 600
Yahya, S. M., 763
Yakhot, V., 584, 601
Yanenko, N. N., 433, 465
Yaw axis of aircraft, 681
Yih, C. S., 364, 409, 516, 536
Zagarola, M. V., 575, 577, 601
Zhukhovsky, N.,
airfoil lift, 692–695
hypothesis, 686
lift theorem, 183, 185–188, 684
transformation, 689–692
Zone of action, 752
Zone of silence, 752