Index 859
Castillo, L., 576, 600–601
Cauchy–Riemann conditions, 167, 170
Cauchy’s equation of motion, 93
Cavitation, 834
Centrifugal force, effect of, 108–109
Centrifugal instability (Taylor), 486–493
Chandrasekhar, S., 137, 469, 490, 500,
533, 535
Chang G. Z., 464
Chaos, deterministic, 525–533
Characteristics, method of, 246
Chester, W., 331, 337
Chord, airfoil, 683
Chorin, A. J., 430, 436, 464
Chow C. Y., 688, 711
Circular Couette flow, 303
Circular cylinder
flow at various Re, 368–375
flow past, boundary layer, 368–375
flow past, with circulation, 180–184
flow past, without circulation, 178–179
Circular Poiseuille flow, 302–303
Circulation, 62–64
Kelvin’s theorem, 144–149
Clausius-Duhem inequality, 103
Cnoidal waves, 252, 253
Coefficient of bulk viscosity, 102
Cohen I. M., iii, xviii, 402, 405, 409, 741, 763
Coherent structures, wall layer, 584–586
Coles, D., 492, 535
Collapsible tubes
flow in, 818
one-dimensional steady flow in,
Starling resistor experiment, 819–820
Comma notation, 49, 152
Complex potential, 170
Complex variables, 169–171
Complex velocity, 171
Compressible flow
classification of, 715–716
friction and heating effects, 747–749
internal versus external, 714
Mach cone, 750–752
Mach number, 714–715
one-dimensional, 721–724, 730–733
shock waves, normal, 734–742
shock waves, oblique, 752–757
speed of sound, 717–720
stagnation and sonic properties, 724–730
supersonic, 756–758
Compressible medium, static equilibrium of,
potential temperature and density, 20–22
scale height of atmosphere, 22
Compression waves, 214
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
advantages of, 412–413
conclusions, 462
defined, 411
examples of, 440–463
finite difference method, 413–418
finite element method, 418–426
incompressible viscous fluid flow,
sources of error, 412
Concentric cylinders, laminar flow between,
Conformal mapping, 190–192
application to airfoil, 688–692
Conservation laws
Bernoulli equation, 118–124
boundary conditions, 129–134
Boussinesq approximation, 124–128
differential form, 82
integral form, 82
of mass, 84–86
mechanical energy equation, 111–115
of momentum, 92–93
Navier-Stokes equation, 104–105
rotating frame, 105–111
thermal energy equation, 115–116
time derivatives of volume integrals,
Conservative body forces, 88, 147
Consistency, 415–418
Constitutive equation, for Newtonian fluid,
Continuity equation, 73–75, 84, 86
Boussinesq approximation and, 125–126
one-dimensional, 722
Continuum hypothesis, 4–5
Control surfaces, 82
Control volume, 82
Convection, 57
-dominated problems, 427–429
forced, 589
free, 589
sloping, 673
Convergence, 415–418
Conversion factors, 841
Corcos G. M., 504, 536
Coriolis force, effect of, 109–111
Coriolis frequency, 611
Coriolis parameter, 611
Coronary arteries, 768
Coronary circulation, 766, 768
Correlations and spectra, 543–547
Couette flow
circular, 303
plane, 300, 516
Courant, R., 764
Cramer, M. S., 751, 763
Creeping flow, around a sphere, 322–327