8. Turbulence Production and Cascade 561
and with a negative u when v is positive, resulting in a positive value for the shear
production −
The largest eddies are of order of the width of the shear flow, for example the
diameter of a pipe or the width of a boundary layer along a wall or along the upper
surface of the ocean. These eddies extract kinetic energy from the mean field. The
eddies that are somewhat smaller than these are strained by the velocity field of the
largest eddies, and extract energy from the larger eddies by the same mechanism of
vortex stretching. The much smaller eddies are essentially advected in the velocity
field of the large eddies, as the scales of the strain rate field of the large eddies are much
larger than the size of a small eddy. Therefore, the small eddies do not interact with
either the large eddies or the mean field. The kinetic energy is therefore cascaded
down from large to small eddies in a series of small steps. This process of energy
cascade is essentially inviscid, as the vortex stretching mechanism arises from the
nonlinear terms of the equations of motion.
In a fully turbulent shear flow (i.e., for large Reynolds numbers), therefore, the
viscosity of the fluid does not affect the shear production, if all other variables are
held constant. The viscosity does, however, determine the scales at which turbulent
energy is dissipated into heat. From the expression ε = 2ν
, it is clear that the
energy dissipation is effective only at very small scales, which have high fluctuating
strain rates. The continuous stretching and cascade generate long and thin filaments,
somewhat like “spaghetti.” When these filaments become thin enough, molecular
diffusive effects are able to smear out their velocity gradients. These are the small-
est scales in a turbulent flow and are responsible for the dissipation of the turbulent
kinetic energy. Figure 13.11 illustrates the deformation of a fluid particle in a tur-
bulent motion, suggesting that molecular effects can act on thin filaments generated
by continuous stretching. The large mixing rates in a turbulent flow, therefore, are
essentially a result of the turbulent fluctuations generating the large surfaces on which
the molecular diffusion finally acts.
It is clear that ε does not depend on ν, but is determined by the inviscid properties
of the large eddies, which supply the energy to the dissipating scales. Suppose l is
a typical length scale of the large eddies (which may be taken equal to the integral
length scale defined from a spatial correlation function, analogous to the integral time
scale defined by equation (13.10)), and u
is a typical scale of the fluctuating velocity
Figure 13.11 Successive deformations of a marked fluid element. Diffusive effects cause smearing when
the scale becomes of the order of the Kolmogorov microscale.