528 Instability
will be denoted by R in this section. As R is increased, the fixed point represent-
ing a steady solution may change from being an attractor to a repeller with spi-
rally outgoing trajectories, signifying that the steady flow has become unstable to
infinitesimal perturbations. Frequently, the trajectories are then attracted by a limit
cycle, which means that the unstable steady solution gives way to a steady oscil-
lation (Figure 12.28b). For example, the steady flow behind a blunt body becomes
oscillatory as Re is increased, resulting in the periodic von Karman vortex street
(Figure 10.18).
The branching of a solution at a critical value R
of the nonlinearity parameter
is called a bifurcation. Thus, we say that the stable steady solution of Figure 12.28a
bifurcates to a stable limit cycle as R increases through R
. This can be represented
on the graph of a dependent variable (say, X)vsR (Figure 12.28c). At R = R
, the
solution curve branches into two paths; the two values of X on these branches (say,
and X
) correspond to the maximum and minimum values of X in Figure 12.28b.
It is seen that the size of the limit cycle grows larger as (R − R
) becomes larger.
Limit cycles, representing oscillatory response with amplitude independent of initial
conditions, are characteristic features of nonlinear systems. Linear stability theory
predicts an exponential growth of the perturbations if R>R
, but a nonlinear theory
frequently shows that the perturbations eventually equilibrate to a steady oscillation
whose amplitude increases with (R − R
The Lorenz Model of Thermal Convection
Taking the example of thermal convection in a layer heated from below (the B´enard
problem), Lorenz (1963) demonstrated that the development of chaos is associated
with the attractor acquiring certain strange properties. He considered a layer with
stress-free boundaries. Assuming nonlinear disturbances in the form of rolls invariant
in the y direction, and defining a streamfunction in the xz-plane by u =−∂ψ/∂z and
w = ∂ψ/∂x, he substituted solutions of the form
ψ ∝ X(t) cos πzsin kx,
∝ Y(t)cos πzcos kx + Z(t) sin 2πz,
into the equations of motion (12.7). Here, T
is the departure of temperature from the
state of no convection, k is the wavenumber of the perturbation, and the boundaries
are at z =±
. It is clear that X is proportional to the intensity of convective motion, Y
is proportional to the temperature difference between the ascending and descending
currents, and Z is proportional to the distortion of the average vertical profile of
temperature from linearity. (Note in equation (12.85) that the x-average of the term
multiplied by Y(t) is zero, so that this term does not cause distortion of the basic
temperature profile.) As discussed in Section 3, Rayleigh’s linear analysis showed that
solutions of the form (12.85), with X and Y constants and Z = 0, would develop if Ra
slightly exceeds the critical value Ra
= 27 π
/4. Equations (12.85) are expected to
give realistic results when Ra is slightly supercritical but not when strong convection
occurs because only the lowest terms in a “Galerkin expansion” are retained.