5. Averaged Equations of Motion 547
We can now define an energy spectrum S(K) as a function of the wavenumber vector K
by the Fourier transform
S(K) =
−iK ·x
R(x)dx, (13.14)
R(x) =
iK ·x
S(K)dK. (13.15)
The pair (13.14) and (13.15) is analogous to equations (13.11) and (13.12). In the
integral (13.14), dx is the shorthand notation for the volume element dx dy dz. Simi-
larly, in the integral (13.15), dK = dk dl dmis the volume element in the wavenumber
space (k,l,m).
It is clear that we need an instantaneous measurement u(x) as a function of
position to calculate the spatial correlations R(x). This is a difficult task and so we
frequently determine this value approximately by rapidly moving a probe in a desired
direction. If the speed U
of traversing of the probe is rapid enough, we can assume
that the turbulence field is “frozen” and does not change during the measurement.
Although the probe actually records a time series u(t), we may then transform it
to a spatial series u(x) by replacing t by x/U
. The assumption that the turbulent
fluctuations at a point are caused by the advection of a frozen field past the point is
called Taylor’s hypothesis.
So far we have defined autocorrelations involving measurements of the same
variable u. We can also define a cross-correlation function between two stationary
variables u(t) and v(t) as
C(τ) ≡
u(t)v(t + τ).
Unlike the autocorrelation function, the cross-correlation function is not a symmetric
function of the time lag τ , because C(−τ) =
u(t)v(t − τ) = C(τ). The value of the
cross-correlation function at zero lag, that is
u(t)v(t ), is simply written as uv and
called the “correlation” of u and v.
5. Averaged Equations of Motion
A turbulent flow instantaneously satisfies the Navier–Stokes equations. However, it
is virtually impossible to predict the flow in detail, as there is an enormous range
of scales to be resolved, the smallest spatial scales being less than millimeters and
the smallest time scales being milliseconds. Even the most powerful of today’s com-
puters would take an enormous amount of computing time to predict the details of
an ordinary turbulent flow, resolving all the fine scales involved. Fortunately, we are
generally interested in finding only the gross characteristics in such a flow, such as
the distributions of mean velocity and temperature. In this section we shall derive the
equations of motion for the mean state in a turbulent flow and examine what effect
the turbulent fluctuations may have on the mean flow.