11. Wall-Bounded Shear Flow 577
and adverse pressure gradients by plotting
− U)/U
) vs. y/δ
. (See
Section 10.3 for the definitions of δ
and δ
). Remarkably, only three distinct tur-
bulent velocity profiles resulted. This correlation of data with only three values of
was contested by Maciel, Rossignol, and Lemay (2006) in their examination of
data bases for adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers. They found that
scalings developed by Zagarola and Smits (1998) worked best but that varied by a
factor of 2 (from 0.16 to 0.33), while in each of the flows was held constant and
the flow was observed to be self-similar. The value of = 0.22 held for only two
of the nine adverse pressure gradient data sets listed by Maciel et al. Moreover, the
velocity defect profiles for adverse pressure gradient flows did not collapse onto a
single limiting profile, as asserted by Walker and Castillo.
Very close to separation, the boundary layer assumptions that ∂/∂x ∂/∂y and
v u break down and new scalings become necessary as discussed in Indinger,
Buschmann, and Gad-el-Hak (2006).
A review paper by W. K. George (2006) puts much of the analysis and discussion
into a wide-view perspective. Three scalings for the outer 90% of the zero pressure
gradient turbulent velocity deficit profiles are written, the first a generalization of
Eq. (13.52) to include behavior with δu
/ν. The second is of the same form but the
normalization is by U
instead of u
. The third scaling is of the form of the second
with the functional behavior prefaced by δ
/δ, where the displacement thickness
is defined in Eq. (10.16). The first scaling gives the logarithmic behavior in the
overlap between the inner and outer regions of the turbulent boundary layer whereas
the second gives a power law.
Professor George pointed out that although the momentum integral equation for
constant pressure turbulent boundary layers [Eq. (10.44)] holds, dθ/dx = (u
and the main contribution to θ [momentum thickness, Eq. (10.17)] comes from near
wall regions, almost the entire value of dθ/dx comes from distances far from the
The third scaling is due to Zagarola and Smits (1998) and can reduce to either
of the first two depending on the Re →∞asymptotic behavior. If δ
/δ → u
then the first scaling leading to a logarithmic overlap is obtained. If, on the other
hand, δ
/δ → const., then the second scaling leading to a power law is found. Here
the limit Re →∞must be taken as x →∞downstream with fixed upstream and
external conditions. It is also shown here that the logarithmic overlap is the lowest
order in an expansion of the power law. The two results are very close largely because
du/dy ∼ 1/y
yields a logarithm (upon integration) but du/dy ∼ 1/y
where γ is
anything other than = 1 but may be very close to 1, yields a power upon integration.
Since the latter is more general and results from a difference in turbulence scales in
the two regions involved in the overlap, it is likely to be correct, but more detailed
and careful data is required to distinguish the two forms.
It is easier to discuss the details of the balance among regions of turbulence for
a planar fully developed pressure driven turbulent shear flow. Consider a flow in the
x-direction between two parallel plates at y = 0 and y = 2δ that is no longer evolving
in the x-direction. The convective acceleration terms are then identically zero and the
x-momentum equation reduces to −∂P/∂x +d/dy(µ∂U/∂y −ρ
uv) = 0 . Since the