564 Turbulence
Kolmogorov argued that, in the inertial subrange part of the equilibrium range,
S is independent of ν also, so that
S = S(K,ε) l
K η
Although little dissipation takes place in the inertial subrange, the spectrum here does
depend on ε. This is because the energy that is dissipated must be transferred across
the inertial subrange, from low to high wavenumbers. As the unit of S is m
that of ε is m
, dimensional reasoning gives
S = Aε
K η
, (13.40)
where A 1.5 has been found to be a universal constant, valid for all turbulent
flows. Equation (13.40) is usually called Kolmogorov’s K
law. If the Reynolds
number of the flow is large, then the dissipating eddies are much smaller than the
energy-containing eddies, and the inertial subrange is quite broad.
Because very large Reynolds numbers are difficult to generate in the laboratory,
the Kolmogorov spectral law was not verified for many years. In fact, doubts were
being raised about its theoretical validity. The first confirmation of the Kolmogorov
law came from the oceanic observations of Grant et al. (1962), who obtained a velocity
spectrum in a tidal flow through a narrow passage between two islands near the west
coast of Canada. The velocity fluctuations were measured by hanging a hot film
anemometer from the bottom of a ship. Based on the depth of water and the average
flow velocity, the Reynolds number was of order 10
. Such large Reynolds numbers
are typical of geophysical flows, since the length scales are very large. The K
law has since been verified in the ocean over a wide range of wavenumbers, a typical
behavior being sketched in Figure 13.12. Note that the spectrum drops sharply at
Kη ∼ 1, where viscosity begins to affect the spectral shape. The figure also shows
that the spectrum departs from the K
law for small values of the wavenumber,
where the turbulence production by large eddies begins to affect the spectral shape.
Laboratory experiments are also in agreement with the Kolmogorov spectral law,
although in a narrower range of wavenumbers because the Reynolds number is not as
large as in geophysical flows. The K
law has become one of the most important
results of turbulence theory.
10. Wall-Free Shear Flow
Nearly parallel shear flows are divided into two classes—wall-free shear flows and
wall-bounded shear flows. In this section we shall examine some aspects of turbulent
flows that are free of solid boundaries. Common examples of such flows are jets,
wakes, and shear layers (Figure 13.13). For simplicity we shall consider only plane
two-dimensional flows. Axisymmetric flows are discussed in Townsend (1976) and
Tennekes and Lumley (1972).