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on turbulence modeling and other subjects on the foundations of fluid mechanics. A
memorial tribute and a number of papers on turbulence in his honor by some of the
prominent authorities may be found in the May 2006 issue of Journal of Applied
Mechanics (v. 73, no. 3).
A different approach to turbulence modeling is represented by renormalization
group (RNG) theories. Rather than use the Reynolds averaged equations, turbulence
is simulated by a solenoidal isotropic random (body) force field f (force/mass). Here
f is chosen to generate the velocity field described by the Kolmogorov spectrum in
the limit of large wavenumber K. For very small eddies (larger wavenumbers beyond
the inertial subrange), the energy decays exponentially by viscous dissipation. The
spectrum in Fourier space (K) is truncated at a cutoff wavenumber and the effect
of these very small scales is represented by a modified viscosity. Then an iteration
is performed successively moving back the cutoff into the inertial range. Smith and
Reynolds (1992) provide a tutorial on the RNG method developed several years
earlier by Yakhot and Orszag. Lam (1992) develops results in a different way and
offers insights and plausible explanations for the various artifices in the theory.
13. Coherent Structures in a Wall Layer
The large-scale identifiable structures of turbulent events, called coherent structures,
depend on the type of flow. A possible structure of large eddies found in the outer parts
of a boundary layer, and in a wall-free shear flow, was illustrated in Figure 13.10. In
this section we shall discuss the coherent structures observed within the inner layer
of a wall-bounded shear flow. This is one of the most active areas of current turbulent
research, and reviews of the subject can be found in Cantwell (1981) and Landahl
and Mollo-Christensen (1986).
These structures are deduced from spatial correlation measurements, a certain
amount of imagination, and plenty of flow visualization. The flow visualization
involves the introduction of a marker, one example of which is dye. Another involves
the “hydrogen bubble technique,” in which the marker is generated electrically. A thin
wire is stretched across the flow, and a voltage is applied across it, generating a line
of hydrogen bubbles that travel with the flow. The bubbles produce white spots in the
photographs, and the shapes of the white regions indicate where the fluid is traveling
faster or slower than the average.
Flow visualization experiments by Kline et al. (1967) led to one of the most
important advances in turbulence research. They showed that the inner part of the
wall layer in the range 5 <y
< 70 is not at all passive, as one might think. In fact,
it is perhaps dynamically the most active, in spite of the fact that it occupies only
about 1% of the total thickness of the boundary layer. Figure 13.22 is a photograph
from Kline et al. (1967), showing the top view of the flow within the viscous sublayer
at a distance y
= 2.7 from the wall. (Here x is the direction of flow, and z is the
“spanwise” direction.) The wire producing the hydrogen bubbles in the figure was
parallel to the z-axis. The streaky structures seen in the figure are generated by regions
of fluid moving downstream faster or slower than the average. The figure reveals that
the streaks of low-speed fluid are quasi-periodic in the spanwise direction. From