616 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Using the continuity equation, this gives
= 0. (14.19)
Also, differentiating equations (14.16) and (14.17) with respect to z, and using
equation (14.18), we obtain
= 0. (14.20)
Equations (14.19) and (14.20) show that
= 0,
showing that the velocity vector cannot vary in the direction of . In other words,
steady slow motions in a rotating, homogeneous, inviscid fluid are two dimensional.
This is the Taylor–Proudman theorem, first derived by Proudman in 1916 and demon-
strated experimentally by Taylor soon afterwards.
In Taylor’s experiment, a tank was made to rotate as a solid body, and a small
cylinder was slowly dragged along the bottom of the tank (Figure 14.5). Dye was
introduced from point A above the cylinder and directly ahead of it. In a nonrotat-
ing fluid the water would pass over the top of the moving cylinder. In the rotating
experiment, however, the dye divides at a point S, as if it had been blocked by an
upward extension of the cylinder, and flows around this imaginary cylinder, called
the Taylor column. Dye released from a point B within the Taylor column remained
there and moved with the cylinder. The conclusion was that the flow outside the
upward extension of the cylinder is the same as if the cylinder extended across the
entire water depth and that a column of water directly above the cylinder moves with
it. The motion is two dimensional, although the solid body does not extend across
the entire water depth. Taylor did a second experiment, in which he dragged a solid
body parallel to the axis of rotation. In accordance with ∂w/∂z = 0, he observed
that a column of fluid is pushed ahead. The lateral velocity components u and v
were zero. In both of these experiments, there are shear layers at the edge of the
Taylor column.
In summary, Taylor’s experiment established the following striking fact for steady
inviscid motion of homogeneous fluid in a strongly rotating system: Bodies moving
either parallel or perpendicular to the axis of rotation carry along with their motion
a so-called Taylor column of fluid, oriented parallel to the axis. The phenomenon is
analogous to the horizontal blocking caused by a solid body (say a mountain) in a
strongly stratified system, shown in Figure 7.33.