Literature Cited 535
[Hint: Letting y →−y, show that the solution ˆv(−y) satisfies equation (12.91)
with the same eigenvalue c. Form a symmetric solution S( y) =ˆv( y) +ˆv(−y) =
S(−y), and an antisymmetric solution A( y) =ˆv( y)−ˆv(−y) =−A(−y). Then write
A[S-eqn]−S[A-eqn]=0, where S-eqn indicates the differential equation (12.91)
in terms of S. Canceling terms this reduces to (SA
− AS
= 0, where the prime
) indicates y-derivative. Integration gives SA
− AS
= 0, where the constant of
integration is zero because of the boundary condition. Another integration gives S =
bA, where b is a constant of integration. Because the symmetric and antisymmetric
functions cannot be proportional, it follows that one of them must be zero.]
Comments:Ifv is symmetric, then the cross-stream velocity has the same sign
across the entire jet, although the sign alternates every half of a wavelength along the
jet. This mode is consequently called sinuous. On the other hand, if v is antisymmetric,
then the shape of the jet expands and contracts along the length. This mode is now
generally called the sausage instability because it resembles a line of linked sausages.
6. For a Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in a continuously stratified ocean, obtain
a globally integrated energy equation in the form
+ w
+ g
)dV =−
(As in Figure 12.25, the integration in x takes place over an integral number
of wavelengths.) Discuss the physical meaning of each term and the mechanism of
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