4. Double-Diffusive Instability 485
which can be written as
= 657. (12.32)
Even if α(d
T/dz)−β(dS/dz) > 0 (i.e., ¯ρ decreases upward), the condition (12.32)
can be quite easily satisfied because κ
is much smaller than κ. The flow can therefore
be made unstable simply by ensuring that the factor within []is positive and making
d large enough.
The analysis predicts that the lateral width of the cell is of the order of d, but such
wide cells are not observed at supercritical stages when (Rs − Ra) far exceeds 657.
Instead, long thin salt fingers are observed, as shown in Figure 12.8. If the salinity
gradient is large, then experiments as well as calculations show that a deep layer
of salt fingers becomes unstable and breaks down into a series of convective layers,
with fingers confined to the interfaces. Oceanographic observations frequently show
a series of staircase-shaped vertical distributions of salinity and temperature, with a
positive overall dS/dz and d
T/dz; this can indicate salt finger activity.
Oscillating Instability
Consider next the case of cold and fresh water lying over hot and salty water
(Figure 12.7b). In this case both d
T/dzand dS/dz are negative, and we can choose
their values such that the density decreases upwards. Again the system is unstable, but
the dynamics are different. A particle displaced upward loses heat but no salt. Thus it
becomes heavier than the surroundings and buoyancy forces it back toward its initial
position, resulting in an oscillation. However, a stability calculation shows that a less
than perfect heat conduction results in a growing oscillation, although some energy
is dissipated. In this case the growth rate σ is complex, in contrast to the situation of
Figure 12.7a where it is real.
Laboratory experiments show that the initial oscillatory instability does not last
long, and eventually results in the formation of a number of horizontal convecting
layers, as sketched in Figure 12.7b. Consider the situation when a stable salinity gra-
dient in an isothermal fluid is heated from below (Figure 12.9). The initial instability
starts as a growing oscillation near the bottom. As the heating is continued beyond the
initial appearance of the instability, a well-mixed layer develops, capped by a salinity
step, a temperature step, and no density step. The heat flux through this step forms a
thermal boundary layer, as shown in Figure 12.9. As the well-mixed layer grows, the
temperature step across the thermal boundary layer becomes larger. Eventually, the
Rayleigh number across the thermal boundary layer becomes critical, and a second
convecting layer forms on top of the first. The second layer is maintained by heat flux
(and negligible salt flux) across a sharp laminar interface on top of the first layer. This
process continues until a stack of horizontal layers forms one upon another. From
comparison with the B´enard convection, it is clear that inclusion of a stable salinity
gradient has prevented a complete overturning from top to bottom.
The two examples in this section show that in a double-component system in
which the diffusivities for the two components are different, the effect of diffusion