460 Computational Fluid Dynamics
Figure 11.19 Vorticity lines for flow around a cylinder at three different Reynolds numbers.
the flow is steady and should be symmetric above and below the cylinder. However,
due to the imperfection in the mesh used for the calculation and as shown in Figure
11.16, the calculated flow field is not perfectly symmetric. From Figure 11.18 we
observe the increase in the size of the wake behind the cylinder as the Reynolds
number increases. In Figure 11.19, we see the effects of the Reynolds number in the
vorticity build up in front of the cylinder, and in the convection of the vorticity by
the flow.
We next compute the case with Reynolds number Re = 100. In this case, the
flow is expected to be unsteady. Periodic vortex shedding occurs. In order to capture
the details of the flow, we used a finer mesh than the one shown in Figure 11.16. The
finer mesh has 9222 elements, 18816 velocity nodes and 4797 pressure nodes. In this
calculation, the flow starts from rest. Initially, the flow is symmetric, and the wake
behind the cylinder grows bigger and stronger. Then, the wake becomes unstable,
undergoes a supercritical Hopf bifurcation, and sheds periodically away from the
cylinder. The periodic vortex shedding forms the well-known von Karman vortex
street. The vorticity lines are presented in Figure 11.20 for a complete cycle of vortex
For this case with Re = 100, we plot in Figure 11.21 the history of the forces and
torque acting on the cylinder. The oscillations shown in the lift and torque plots are
typical for the supercritical Hopf bifurcation. The nonzero mean value of the torque
shown in Figure 11.21c is due to the asymmetry in the finite element mesh. It is clear
that the flow becomes fully periodic at the times shown in Figure 11.20. The period of
the oscillation is measured as τ = 0.0475s or ¯τ = 4.75 in the non-dimensional units.
This period corresponds to a nondimensional Strouhal number S = nd
U = 0.21,
where n is the frequency of the shedding. In the literature, the value of the Strouhal
number for an unbounded uniform flow around a cylinder is found to be around 0.167