4. Incompressible Viscous Fluid Flow 439
on three vertices only. A slightly different approach is to use a pressure grid that is
twice coarser than the velocity one, and then use the same interpolation functions on
both grids (Glowinski, 1991). For example, a piecewise-linear pressure is defined on
the outside (coarser) triangle; while a piecewise-linear velocity is defined on all four
subtriangles, as shown in Figure 11.5b.
Another option to prevent a spurious pressure field is to use the stabilized finite
element formulation while keeping the equal order interpolations for velocity and
pressure. A general formulation in this approach is the Galerkin/least-squares (GLS)
stabilization (Tezduyar, 1992). In the GLS stabilization, the stabilizing terms are
obtained by minimizing the squared residual of the momentum equation integrated
over each element domain. The choice of the stabilization parameter is discussed in
Franca et al. (1992) and Franca and Frey (1992).
Comparing the mixed and the stabilized finite element formulations, the mixed
finite element method is parameter free, as pointed out in Glowinski (1991). There
is no need to adjust the stabilization parameters, which could be a delicate problem.
More importantly, for a given flow problem the desired finite element mesh size
is generally determined based on the velocity behavior (e.g., it is defined by the
boundary or shear layer thickness). Therefore, equal order interpolation will be more
costly from the pressure point of view but without further gains in accuracy. However,
the GLS-stabilized finite element formulation has the additional benefit of preventing
oscillatory solutions produced in the Galerkin finite element method due to the large
convective term in high Reynolds number flows.
Once the interpolation functions for the velocity and pressure in the mixed finite
element approximations are determined, the matrix form of equations (11.134) and
(11.135) can be written as
, (11.137)
where u and p are the vectors containing all unknown values of the velocity compo-
nents and pressure defined on the finite element mesh, respectively.
u is the first time
derivative of u. M is the mass matrix corresponding to the time derivative term in
equation (11.134). Matrix A depends on the value of u due to the nonlinear convective
term in the momentum equation. The symmetry in the pressure terms in (11.134) and
(11.135) results in the symmetric arrangement of B and B
in the algebraic system
(11.137). Vectors f
and f
come from the body force term in the momentum equation
and from the application of the boundary conditions.
The ordinary differential equation (11.137) can be further discretized in time with
finite difference methods. The resulting nonlinear system of equations is typically
solved iteratively using Newton’s method. At each stage of the nonlinear iteration,
the sparse linear algebraic equations are normally solved either by using a direct
solver such as the Gauss elimination procedure for small system sizes or by using an
iterative solver such as the generalized minimum residual method (GMRES) for large
systems. Other iterative solution methods for sparse nonsymmetric systems can be
found in Saad (1996). An application of the mixed finite element method is discussed
as one of the examples in the next section.