Supplemental Reading 409
at x = 0 so that u = U
for y>0 and u = U
for y<0. The density may be
assumed constant and the appropriate Reynolds number is sufficiently large that the
shear layer is thin (in comparison to distance from the origin). Assume the static
pressures are the same in both halves of the flow at x = 0. Describe any ambiguities
or nonuniquenesses in a similarity formulation and how they may be resolved. In the
special case of small velocity difference, solve explicitly to first order in the smallness
parameter (velocity difference normalized by average velocity, say) and show where
the nonuniqueness enters.
13. Solve equation (10.99) subject to equation (10.100) asymptotically for small
velocity difference and obtain the result in the caption to Figure 10.36.
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