412 Computational Fluid Dynamics
During the past four decades different types of numerical methods have been
developed to simulate fluid flows involving a wide range of applications. These
methods include finite difference, finite element, finite volume, and spectral methods.
Some of them will be discussed in this chapter.
The CFD predictions are never completely exact. Because many sources of error
are involved in the predictions, one has to be very careful in interpreting the results
produced by CFD techniques. The most common sources of error are:
• Discretization error. This is intrinsic to all numerical methods. This error is
incurred whenever a continuous system is approximated by a discrete one where
a finite number of locations in space (grids) or instants of time may have been
used to resolve the flow field. Different numerical schemes may have different
orders of magnitude of the discretization error. Even with the same method,
the discretization error will be different depending upon the distribution of the
grids used in a simulation. In most applications, one needs to properly select a
numerical method and choose a grid to control this error to an acceptable level.
• Input data error. This is due to the fact that both flow geometry and fluid
properties may be known only in an approximate way.
• Initial and boundary condition error. It is common that the initial and boundary
conditions of a flow field may represent the real situation too crudely. For
example, flow information is needed at locations where fluid enters and leaves
the flow geometry. Flow properties generally are not known exactly and are
thus only approximated.
• Modeling error. More complicated flows may involve physical phenomena that
are not perfectly described by current scientific theories. Models used to solve
these problems certainly contain errors, for example, turbulence modeling,
atmospheric modeling, problems in multiphase flows, and so on.
As a research and design tool, CFD normally complements experimental and
theoretical fluid dynamics. However, CFD has a number of distinct advantages:
• It can be produced inexpensively and quickly. Although the price of most items
is increasing, computing costs are falling. According to Moore’s law based on
the observation of the data for the last 40 years, the CPU power will double
every 18 months into the foreseeable future.
• It generates complete information. CFD produces detailed and comprehensive
information of all relevant variables throughout the domain of interest. This
information can also be easily accessed.
• It allows easy change of the parameters. CFD permits input parameters to be
varied easily over wide ranges, thereby facilitating design optimization.
• It has the ability to simulate realistic conditions. CFD can simulate flows directly
under practical conditions, unlike experiments, where a small- or a large-scale
model may be needed.