328 Laminar Flow
inertia force
viscous force
as r →∞.
This shows that the inertia forces are not negligible for distances larger than r/a ∼
1/Re. At sufficiently large distances, no matter how small Re may be, the neglected
terms become arbitrarily large.
Solutions of problems involving a small parameter can be developed in terms
of the perturbation series in which the higher-order terms act as corrections on the
lower-order terms. Perturbation expansions are discussed briefly in the following
chapter. If we regard the Stokes solution as the first term of a series expansion in the
small parameter Re, then the expansion is “nonuniform” because it breaks down at
infinity. If we tried to calculate the next term (to order Re) of the perturbation series,
we would find that the velocity corresponding to the higher-order term becomes
unbounded at infinity.
The situation becomes worse for two-dimensional objects such as the circular
cylinder. In this case, the Stokes balance ∇ p = µ∇
u has no solution at all that can
satisfy the uniform flow boundary condition at infinity. From this, Stokes concluded
that steady, slow flows around cylinders cannot exist in nature. It has now been realized
that the nonexistence of a first approximation of the Stokes flow around a cylinder is
due to the singular nature of low Reynolds number flows in which there is a region
of nonuniformity at infinity. The nonexistence of the second approximation for flow
around a sphere is due to the same reason. In a different (and more familiar) class
of singular perturbation problems, the region of nonuniformity is a thin layer (the
“boundary layer”) near the surface of an object. This is the class of flows with Re →
∞, that will be discussed in the next chapter. For these high Reynolds number flows
the small parameter 1/Re multiplies the highest-order derivative in the governing
equations, so that the solution with 1/Re identically set to zero cannot satisfy all
the boundary conditions. In low Reynolds number flows this classic symptom of
the loss of the highest derivative is absent, but it is a singular perturbation problem
In 1910 Oseen provided an improvement to Stokes’ solution by partly accounting
for the inertia terms at large distances. He made the substitutions
u = U + u
v = v
w = w
where (u
) are the Cartesian components of the perturbation velocity, and are
small at large distances. Substituting these, the advection term of the x-momentum
equation becomes
+ v
+ w
= U
+ v
+ w
Neglecting the quadratic terms, the equation of motion becomes
+ µ∇