2. Boundary Layer Approximation 345
equation (10.8) is to be regarded as known from an analysis of the outer problem,
which must be solved before the boundary layer flow can be solved.
Equations (10.8) and (10.10) are then used to determine u and v in the boundary
layer. The boundary conditions are
u(x, 0) = 0, (10.12)
v(x, 0) = 0, (10.13)
u(x, ∞) = U(x), (10.14)
,y) = u
(y). (10.15)
Condition (10.14) merely means that the boundary layer must join smoothly with
the inviscid outer flow; points outside the boundary layer are represented by
y =∞, although we mean this strictly in terms of the nondimensional distance
δ = (y/L)
Re →∞. Condition (10.15) implies that an initial velocity profile
(y) at some location x
is required for solving the problem. This is because the
presence of the terms u ∂u/∂x and ν∂
gives the boundary layer equations a
parabolic character, with x playing the role of a timelike variable. Recall the Stokes
problem of a suddenly accelerated plate, discussed in the preceding chapter, where
the equation is ∂u/∂t = ν∂
. In such problems governed by parabolic equa-
tions, the field at a certain time (or x in the problem here) depends only on its past
history. Boundary layers therefore transfer effects only in the downstream direction.
In contrast, the complete Navier–Stokes equations are of elliptic nature. Elliptic equa-
tions require specification on the bounding surface of the domain of solution. The
Navier–Stokes equations are elliptic in velocity and thus require boundary conditions
on the velocity (or its derivative normal to the boundary) upstream, downstream, and
on the top and bottom boundaries, that is, all around. The upstream influence of the
downstream boundary condition is always of concern in computations.
In summary, the simplifications achieved because of the thinness of the boundary
layer are the following. First, diffusion in the x-direction is negligible compared to that
in the y-direction. Second, the pressure field can be found from the irrotational flow
theory, so that it is regarded as a known quantity in boundary layer analysis. Here, the
boundary layer is so thin that the pressure does not change across it. Further, a crude
estimate of the shear stress at the wall or skin friction is available from knowledge
of the order of the boundary layer thickness τ
∼ µU/
δ ∼ (µU /L)
Re. The skin
friction coefficient is
Re ∼
As we shall see from the solutions to the problems in the following sections, this is
indeed the correct order of magnitude. Only the finite numerical factor differs from
problem to problem.
It is useful to compare equation (10.5) with equation (9.60), where we nondi-
mensionalized both x- and y-directions by the same length scale. Notice that in
equation (9.60) the Reynolds number multiplies both diffusion terms, whereas in