11. High and Low Reynolds Number Flows 321
For the governing equations to display this fact, we should have a small parameter
multiplying the inertia forces in this case. This can be accomplished if the variables are
nondimensionalized properly to take into account the low Reynolds number nature of
the flow. Obviously, the scaling (9.59), which leads to equation (9.60), is inappropriate
in this case. For if equation (9.60) were multiplied by Re, then the small parameter
Re would appear in front of not only the inertia force term but also the pressure force
term, and the governing equation would reduce to 0 = µ∇
u as Re → 0, which is
not the balance for low Reynolds number flows. The source of the inadequacy of the
nondimensionalization (9.59) for low Reynolds number flows is that the pressure is
not of order ρU
in this case. As we noted in Chapter 8, for these external flows,
pressure is a passive variable and it must be normalized by the dominant effect(s),
which here are viscous forces. The purpose of scaling is to obtain nondimensional
variables that are of order one, so that pressure should be scaled by ρU
only in high
Reynolds number flows in which the pressure forces are of the order of the inertia
forces. In contrast, in a low Reynolds number flow the pressure forces are of the
order of the viscous forces. For ∇p to balance µ∇
u in equation (9.58), the pressure
changes must have a magnitude of the order
p ∼ Lµ∇
u ∼ µU/L.
Thus the proper nondimensionalization for low Reynolds number flows is
p − p
. (9.61)
The variations of the nondimensional variables u
and p
in the flow field are now
of order one. The pressure scaling also shows that p is proportional to µ inalow
Reynolds number flow. A highly viscous oil is used in the bearing of a rotating shaft
because the high pressure developed in the oil film of the bearing “lifts” the shaft and
prevents metal-to-metal contact.
Substitution of equation (9.61) into (9.58) gives the nondimensional equation
Re u
. (9.62)
In the limit Re → 0, equation (9.62) becomes the linear equation
∇p = µ∇
u, (9.63)
where the variables have been converted back to their dimensional form.
Flows at Re 1 are called creeping motions. They can be due to small velocity,
large viscosity, or (most commonly) the small size of the body. Examples of such
flows are the motion of a thin film of oil in the bearing of a shaft, settling of sediment
particles near the ocean bottom, and the fall of moisture drops in the atmosphere. In
the next section, we shall examine the creeping flow around a sphere.
Summary: The purpose of scaling is to generate nondimensional variables that
are of order one in the flow field (except in singular regions or boundary layers).