Chapter 9
Laminar Flow
1. Introduction.......................... 295
2. Analogy between Heat and Vorticity
Diffusion ............................. 297
3. Pressure Change Due to Dynamic
Effects ............................... 297
4. Steady Flow between Parallel
Plates................................ 298
Plane Couette Flow................... 300
Plane Poiseuille Flow ................. 301
5. Steady Flow in a Pipe ................ 302
6. Steady Flow between Concentric
Cylinders ............................ 303
Flow Outside a Cylinder Rotating in an
Infinite Fluid ...................... 304
Flow Inside a Rotating Cylinder....... 305
7. Impulsively Started Plate: Similarity
Solutions............................. 306
Formulation of a Problem in Similarity
Variables .......................... 306
Similarity Solution .................. 309
An Alternative Method of Deducing
the Form of η ..................... 312
Method of Laplace Transform ....... 312
8. Diffusion of a Vortex Sheet ........... 313
9. Decay of a Line Vortex............... 315
10. Flow Due to an Oscillating
Plate ............................... 317
11. High and Low Reynolds Number
Flows ............................... 320
12. Creeping Flow around a
Sphere .............................. 322
13. Nonuniformity of Stokes’ Solution
and Oseen’s Improvement............ 327
14. Hele-Shaw Flow..................... 332
15. Final Remarks ....................... 334
Exercises ............................ 335
Literature Cited ..................... 337
Supplemental Reading ............... 337
1. Introduction
In Chapters 6 and 7 we studied inviscid flows in which the viscous terms in the
Navier–Stokes equations were dropped. The underlying assumption was that the vis-
cous forces were confined to thin boundary layers near solid surfaces, so that the
bulk of the flow could be regarded as inviscid (Figure 6.1). We shall see in the next
chapter that this is indeed valid if the Reynolds number is large. For low values of
the Reynolds number, however, the entire flow may be dominated by viscosity, and
the inviscid flow theory is of little use. The purpose of this chapter is to present cer-
tain solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations in some simple situations, retaining the
viscous term µ∇
u everywhere in the flow. While the inviscid flow theory allows the
fluid to “slip” past a solid surface, real fluids will adhere to the surface because of
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DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381399-2.50009-5