19. Internal Waves in a Continuously Stratified Fluid 267
19. Internal Waves in a Continuously Stratified Fluid
In this chapter we have considered gravity waves at the surface or at a density
discontinuity; these waves propagate only in the horizontal direction. Because every
horizontal direction is alike, such waves are isotropic, in which only the magnitude
of the wavenumber vector matters. By taking the x-axis along the direction of wave
propagation, we obtained a dispersion relation ω(k) that depends only on the mag-
nitude of the wavenumber. We found that phases and groups propagate in the same
direction, although at different speeds. If, on the other hand, the fluid is continuously
stratified, then the internal waves can propagate in any direction, at any angle to the
vertical. In such a case the direction of the wavenumber vector becomes important.
Consequently, we can no longer treat the wavenumber, phase velocity, and group
velocity as scalars.
Any flow variable q can now be written as
q = q
= q
where q
is the amplitude and K = (k,l,m) is the wavenumber vector with com-
ponents k, l, and m in the three Cartesian directions. We expect that in this case the
direction of wave propagation should matter because horizontal directions are basi-
cally different from the vertical direction, along which the all-important gravity acts.
Internal waves in a continuously stratified fluid are therefore anisotropic, for which
the frequency is a function of all three components of K. This can be written in the
following two ways:
ω = ω(k,l,m) = ω(K). (7.148)
However, the waves are still horizontally isotropic because the dependence of the
wave field on k and l is similar, although the dependence on k and m is dissimilar.
The propagation of internal waves is a baroclinic process, in which the surfaces of
constant pressure do not coincide with the surfaces of constant density. It was shown
in Section 5.4, in connection with the demonstration of Kelvin’s circulation theorem,
that baroclinic processes generate vorticity. Internal waves in a continuously stratified
fluid are therefore not irrotational. Waves at a density interface constitute a limiting
case in which all the vorticity is concentrated in the form of a velocity discontinuity
at the interface. The Laplace equation can therefore be used to describe the flow field
within each layer. However, internal waves in a continuously stratified fluid cannot
be described by the Laplace equation.
The first task is to derive the dispersion relation. We shall simplify the analysis
by assuming that N is depth independent, an assumption that may seem unrealistic at
first. In the ocean, for example, N is large at a depth of ≈200 m and small elsewhere
(see Figure 14.2). Figure 14.2 shows that N<0.01 everywhere but N is largest
between ≈200 m and 2 km. However, the results obtained by treating N as constant
are locally valid if N varies slowly over the vertical wavelength 2π/m of the motion.
The so-called WKB approximation of internal waves, in which such a slow variation
of N(z) is not neglected, is discussed in Chapter 14.