242 Gravity Waves
10. Group Velocity and Wave Dispersion
Physical Motivation
We continue our discussion of group velocity in this section, focussing on how the
different wavelength and frequency components are propagated. Consider waves in
deep water, for which
c =
signifying that larger waves propagate faster. Suppose that a surface disturbance is
generated by dropping a stone into a pool. The initial disturbance can be thought of
as being composed of a great many wavelengths. A short time later, at t = t
, the sea
surface may have the rather irregular profile shown in Figure 7.19. The appearance
of the surface at a later time t
, however, is more regular, with the longer components
(which have been traveling faster) out in front. The waves in front are the longest
waves produced by the initial disturbance; we denote their length by λ
, typically
a few times larger than the stone. The leading edge of the wave system therefore
propagates at the group speed corresponding to these wavelengths, that is, at the
g max
(Pure capillary waves can propagate faster than this speed, but they have small mag-
nitude and get dissipated rather soon.) The region of initial disturbance becomes calm
because there is a minimum group velocity of gravity waves due to the influence of
surface tension, namely 17.8 cm/s (Exercise 4). The trailing edge of the wave system
therefore travels at speed
g min
= 17.8cm/s.
With c
g max
> 17.8cm/s for ordinary sizes of stones, the length of the disturbed region
gets larger, as shown in Figure 7.19. The wave heights are correspondingly smaller
because there is a fixed amount of energy in the wave system. (Wave dispersion,
therefore, makes the linearity assumption more accurate.) The smoothening of the
profile and the spreading of the region of disturbance continue until the amplitudes
become imperceptible or the waves are damped by viscous dissipation. It is clear
that the initial superposition of various wavelengths, running for some time, will sort
themselves out in the sense that the different sinusoidal components, differing widely
in their wavenumbers, become spatially separated, and are found in quite different
places. This is a basic feature of the behavior of a dispersive system.
The wave group as a whole travels slower than the individual crests. Therefore,
if we try to follow the last crest at the rear of the train, quite soon we find that it is the
second one from the rear; a new crest has been born behind it. In fact, new crests are
constantly “popping up from nowhere” at the rear of the train, propagating through
the train, and finally disappearing in front of the train. This is because, by following a
particular crest, we are traveling at twice the speed at which the energy of waves of a