Chapter 7
Gravity Waves
1. Introduction ........................ 214
2. The Wave Equation.................. 214
3. Wave Parameters .................... 216
4. Surface Gravity Waves............... 219
Formulation of the Problem ......... 219
Solution of the Problem ............. 221
5. Some Features of Surface Gravity
Waves .............................. 223
Pressure Change Due to Wave
Motion ........................... 224
Particle Path and Streamline ........ 224
Energy Considerations .............. 227
6. Approximations for Deep and
Shallow Water ...................... 229
Deep-Water Approximation.......... 230
Shallow-Water Approximation ....... 231
Wave Refraction in Shallow Water . . . 233
7. Influence of Surface Tension ......... 234
8. Standing Waves ..................... 237
9. Group Velocity and Energy Flux ..... 238
10. Group Velocity and Wave
Dispersion .......................... 242
Physical Motivation ................. 242
Layer of Constant Depth ............ 243
Layer of Variable Depth H(x) ....... 244
11. Nonlinear Steepening in a
Nondispersive Medium .............. 246
12. Hydraulic Jump ..................... 248
13. Finite Amplitude Waves of
Unchanging Form in a Dispersive
Medium............................. 250
Finite Amplitude Waves in Deep Water:
The Stokes Wave.................. 251
Finite Amplitude Waves in Fairly
Shallow Water: Solitons ........... 252
14. Stokes’ Drift ......................... 253
15. Waves at a Density Interface
between Infinitely Deep Fluids ....... 255
16. Waves in a Finite Layer Overlying
an Infinitely Deep Fluid ............. 259
Barotropic or Surface Mode .......... 261
Baroclinic or Internal Mode .......... 261
17. Shallow Layer Overlying an
Infinitely Deep Fluid................. 262
18. Equations of Motion for a
Continuously Stratified Fluid ........ 263
19. Internal Waves in a Continuously
Stratified Fluid ...................... 267
The w = 0 Limit .................... 269
20. Dispersion of Internal Waves in a
Stratified Fluid ...................... 270
21. Energy Considerations of Internal
Waves in a Stratified Fluid........... 272
Exercises ............................ 276
Literature Cited ..................... 277
©2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381399-2.50007-1