16. Numerical Solution of Plane Irrotational Flow 195
where the loop around the integral sign has been introduced to emphasize that the
circuit C
is closed. As the right-hand side of equation (6.58) is nonzero, it follows
that u
dx is not a “perfect differential,” which means that the line integral between
any two points depends on the path followed (u
dx is called a perfect differential
if it can be expressed as the differential of a function, say as u
dx = df . In that
case the line integral around a closed circuit must vanish). In Figure 6.22b, the line
integrals between P and Q are the same for paths 1 and 2, but not the same for paths 1
and 3. The solution is therefore nonunique, as was physically evident from the whole
family of irrotational flows shown in Figure 6.14.
In singly connected regions, circulation around every circuit is zero, and the solu-
tion of ∇
φ = 0 is unique when values of φ are specified at the boundaries (the
Dirichlet problem). When normal derivatives of φ are specified at the boundary (the
Neumann problem), as in the fluid flow problems studied here, the solution is unique
within an arbitrary additive constant. Because the arbitrary constant is of no conse-
quence, we shall say that the solution of the irrotational flow in a singly connected
region is unique. (Note also that the solution depends only on the instantaneous
boundary conditions; the differential equation ∇
φ = 0 is independent of t.)
Summary: Irrotational flow around a plane two-dimensional object is non-
unique because it allows an arbitrary amount of circulation. Irrotational flow around
a finite three-dimensional object is unique because there is no circulation.
In Sections 4 and 5 of Chapter 5 we learned that vorticity is solenoidal (∇·ω = 0),
or that vortex lines cannot begin or end anywhere in the fluid. Here we have learned
that a circulation in a two dimensional flow results in a force normal to an oncoming
stream. This is used to simulate lifting flow over a wing by the following artifice,
discussed in more detail in our chapter on Aerodynamics. Since Stokes’ theorem tells
us that the circulation about a closed contour is equal to the flux of vorticity through
any surface bounded by that contour, the circulation about a thin airfoil section is
simulated by a continuous row of vortices (a vortex sheet) along the centerline of
a wing cross-section (the mean camber line of an airfoil). For a (real) finite wing,
these vortices must bend downstream to form trailing vortices and terminate in starting
vortices (far downstream), always forming closed loops. Although the wing may be
a finite three dimensional shape, the contour cannot cut any of the vortex lines without
changing the circulation about the contour. Generally, the circulation about a wing
does vary in the spanwise direction, being a maximum at the root or centerline and
tending to zero at the wingtips.
Additional boundary conditions that the mean camber line be a streamline and
that a real trailing edge be a stagnation point serve to render the circulation distribution
16. Numerical Solution of Plane Irrotational Flow
Exact solutions can be obtained only for flows with simple geometries, and approxi-
mate methods of solution become necessary for practical flow problems. One of these
approximate methods is that of building up a flow by superposing a distribution of
sources and sinks; this method is illustrated in Section 21 for axisymmetric flows.