Chapter 6
Irrotational Flow
1. Relevance of Irrotational Flow
Theory ......................... 165
2. Velocity Potential: Laplace
Equation ....................... 167
3. Application of Complex
Variables ....................... 169
4. Flow at a Wall Angle ........... 171
5. Sources and Sinks .............. 173
6. Irrotational Vortex.............. 174
7. Doublet ........................ 174
8. Flow past a Half-Body ......... 175
9. Flow past a Circular Cylinder
without Circulation ............. 178
10. Flow past a Circular Cylinder
with Circulation ................ 180
11. Forces on a Two-Dimensional
Body ........................... 184
Blasius Theorem................ 184
Lift Theorem................. 185
Unsteady Flow ................. 188
12. Source near a Wall: Method of
Images ......................... 189
13. Conformal Mapping ............ 190
14. Flow around an Elliptic Cylinder
with Circulation ................ 192
15. Uniqueness of Irrotational Flows. 194
16. Numerical Solution of Plane
Irrotational Flow ............... 195
Finite Difference Form of the
Laplace Equation ............ 196
Simple Iteration Technique ..... 198
Example 6.1 ................... 199
17. Axisymmetric Irrotational
Flow ........................... 201
18. Streamfunction and Velocity
Potential for Axisymmetric
Flow ......................... 203
19. Simple Examples of Axisymmetric
Flows .......................... 205
Uniform Flow .................. 205
Point Source ................... 205
Doublet ........................ 205
Flow around a Sphere .......... 206
20. Flow around a Streamlined
Body of Revolution.............. 206
21. Flow around an Arbitrary Body
of Revolution ................... 208
22. Concluding Remarks ............ 209
Exercises ....................... 209
Literature Cited ................ 212
Supplemental Reading .......... 212
1. Relevance of Irrotational Flow Theory
The vorticity equation given in the preceding chapter implies that the irrotational flow
(such as the one starting from rest) of a barotropic fluid observed in a nonrotating
frame remains irrotational if the fluid viscosity is identically zero and any body forces
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DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381399-2.50006-X