10. Flow past a Circular Cylinder with Circulation 183
Figure 6.15 Calculation of pressure force on a circular cylinder.
It is shown in the following section that equation (6.42) holds for irrotational flows
around any two-dimensional shape, not just circular cylinders. The result that lift force
is proportional to circulation is of fundamental importance in aerodynamics. Relation
equation (6.42) was proved independently by the German mathematician, Wilhelm
Kutta(1902),andthe Russian aerodynamist,NikolaiZhukhovsky(1906);itis called the
Kutta–Zhukhovskylift theorem. (Older western textstransliterated Zhukhovsky’s name
as Joukowsky.) The interesting question of how certain two-dimensional shapes, such
as an airfoil, develop circulation when placed in a stream is discussed in chapter 15. It
will be shownthere that fluidviscosity isresponsible forthe developmentofcirculation.
Themagnitude of circulation,however, isindependentof viscosity, anddependson flow
speed U and the shape and “attitude” of the body.
For a circular cylinder, however, the only way to develop circulation is by rotating
it in a flow stream. Although viscous effects are important in this case, the observed
pattern for large values of cylinder rotation displays a striking similarity to the ideal
flow pattern for >4πaU; see Figure 3.25 in the book by Prandtl (1952). For
lower rates of cylinder rotation, the retarded flow in the boundary layer is not able
to overcome the adverse pressure gradient behind the cylinder, leading to separation;
the real flow is therefore rather unlike the irrotational pattern. However, even in the
presence of separation, observed speeds are higher on the upper surface of the cylinder,
implying a lift force.
A second reason for generating lift on a rotating cylinder is the asymmetry gen-
erated due to delay of separation on the upper surface of the cylinder. The resulting
asymmetry generates a lift force. The contribution of this mechanism is small for
two-dimensional objects such as the circular cylinder, but it is the only mechanism
for side forces experienced by spinning three-dimensional objects such as soccer,
tennis and golf balls. The interesting question of why spinning balls follow curved
paths is discussed in Chapter 10, Section 9. The lateral force experienced by rotating
bodies is called the Magnus effect.
The nonuniqueness of solution for two-dimensional potential flows should be
noted in the example we have considered in this section. It is apparent that solutions
for various values of all satisfy the same boundary condition on the solid surface