Exercise 209
Setting ψ
= 0 for all N values of m, we obtain a set of N linear algebraic equations
in N unknowns k
(n = 1, 2,...,N), which can be solved by the iteration technique
described in Section 16 or some other matrix inversion routine.
22. Concluding Remarks
The theory of potential flow has reached a highly developed stage during the last
250 years because of the efforts of theoretical physicists such as Euler, Bernoulli,
D’Alembert, Lagrange, Stokes, Helmholtz, Kirchhoff, and Kelvin. The special inter-
est in the subject has resulted from the applicability of potential theory to other fields
such as heat conduction, elasticity, and electromagnetism. When applied to fluid flows,
however, the theory resulted in the prediction of zero drag on a body at variance with
observations. Meanwhile, the theory of viscous flow was developed during the mid-
dle of the Nineteenth Century, after the Navier–Stokes equations were formulated.
The viscous solutions generally applied either to very slow flows where the nonlinear
advection terms in the equations of motion were negligible, or to flows in which the
advective terms were identically zero (such as the viscous flow through a straight
pipe). The viscous solutions were highly rotational, and it was not clear where the
irrotational flow theory was applicable and why. This was left for Prandtl to explain,
as will be shown in Chapter 10.
It is probably fair to say that the theory of irrotational flow does not occupy the
center stage in fluid mechanics any longer, although it did so in the past. However,
the subject is still quite useful in several fields, especially in aerodynamics. We shall
see in Chapter 10 that the pressure distribution around streamlined bodies can still be
predicted with a fair degree of accuracy from the irrotational flow theory. In Chapter 15
we shall see that the lift of an airfoil is due to the development of circulation around
it, and the magnitude of the lift agrees with the Kutta–Zhukhovsky lift theorem. The
technique of conformal mapping will also be essential in our study of flow around
airfoil shapes.
1. In Section 7, the doublet potential
w = µ/z,
was derived by combining a source and a sink on the x-axis. Show that the same
potential can also be obtained by superposing a clockwise vortex of circulation −
on the y-axis at y = ε, and a counterclockwise vortex of circulation at y =−ε,
and letting ε → 0.
2. By integrating pressure, show that the drag on a plane half-body (Section 8)
is zero.
3. Graphically generate the streamline pattern for a plane half-body in the fol-
lowing manner. Take a source of strength m = 200 m
/s and a uniform stream U =
10 m/s. Draw radial streamlines from the source at equal intervals of θ = π/10,