280 Dynamic Similarity
are to be made. Under various limiting situations certain variables can be eliminated
from our consideration, resulting in very useful relationships in which only the con-
stants need to be determined from experiments. Such a procedure is used extensively
in turbulence theory, and leads, for example, to the well-known K
spectral law
discussed in Chapter 13. Analogous arguments (applied to a different problem) are
presented in Section 5 of the present chapter.
Nondimensional parameters for a problem can be determined in two ways. They
can be deduced directly from the governing differential equations if these equations
are known; this method is illustrated in the next section. If, on the other hand, the
governing differential equations are unknown, then the nondimensional parameters
can be determined by performing a simple dimensional analysis on the variables
involved. This method is illustrated in Section 4.
The formulation of all problems in fluid mechanics is in terms of the conservation
laws (mass, momentum, and energy), constitutive equations and equations of state
to define the fluid, and boundary conditions to specify the problem. Most often, the
conservation laws are written as partial differential equations and the conservation
of momentum and energy may include the constitutive equations for stress and heat
flux, respectively. Each term in the various equations has certain dimensions in terms
of units of measurements. Of course, all of the terms in any given equation must have
the same dimensions. Now, dimensions or units of measurement are human con-
structs for our convenience. No system of units has any inherent superiority over any
other, despite the fact that in this text we exhibit a preference for the units ordained
by Napoleon Bonaparte (of France) over those ordained by King Henry VIII (of
England). The point here is that any physical problem must be expressible in com-
pletely dimensionless form. Moreover, the parameters used to render the dependent
and independent variables dimensionless must appear in the equations or boundary
conditions. One cannot define “reference” quantities that do not appear in the prob-
lem; spurious dimensionless parameters will be the result. If the procedure is done
properly, there will be a reduction in the parametric dependence of the formulation,
generally by the number of independent units. This is described in Sections 3 and 4
in this chapter. The parametric reduction is called a similitude. Similitudes greatly
facilitate correlation of experimental data. In Chapter 9 we will encounter a situation
in which there are no naturally occurring scales for length or time that can be used
to render the formulation of a particular problem dimensionless. As the axiom that
a dimensionless formulation is a physical necessity still holds, we must look for a
dimensionless combination of the independent variables. This results in a contraction
of the dimensionality of the space required for the solution, that is, a reduction by
one in the number of independent varibles. Such a reduction is called a similarity and
results in what is called a similarity solution.
2. Nondimensional Parameters Determined from
Differential Equations
To illustrate the method of determining nondimensional parameters from the gov-
erning differential equations, consider a flow in which both viscosity and gravity
are important. An example of such a flow is the motion of a ship, where the drag