308 Laminar Flow
The problem is well posed, because equations (9.19) and (9.20) are conditions at two
values of y, and equation (9.18) is a condition at one value of t; this is consistent with
equation (9.17), which involves a first derivative in t and a second derivative in y.
The partial differential equation (9.17) can be transformed into an ordinary
differential equation from dimensional considerations alone. Its real reason is the
absence of scales for y and t as discussed on page 287. Let us write the solution as a
functional relation
u = φ(U, y, t,ν). (9.21)
An examination of the equation set (9.17)–(9.20) shows that the parameter U appears
only in the surface condition (9.19). This dependence on U can be eliminated from
the problem by regarding u/U as the dependent variable, for then the equation set
(9.17)–(9.20) can be written as
= ν
(y, 0) = 0 ,
(0,t) = 1,
(∞,t) = 0,
where u
≡ u/U . The preceding set is independent of U and must have a solution of
the form
= f (y, t, ν). (9.22)
Because the left-hand side of equation (9.22) is dimensionless, the right-hand side
can only be a dimensionless function of y,t, and ν. The only nondimensional variable
formed from y,t, and ν is y/
νt, so that equation (9.22) must be of the form
= F
. (9.23)
Any function of y/
vt would be dimensionless and could be used as the new inde-
pendent variable. Why have we chosen to write it this way rather than νt/y
or some
other equivalent form? We have done so because we want to solve for a velocity profile
as a function of distance from the plate. By thinking of the solution to this problem in
this way, our new dimensionless similarity variable will feature y in the numerator to
the first power. We could have obtained equation (9.23) by applying Buckingham’s pi
theorem discussed in Chapter 8, Section 4. There are four variables in equation (9.22),
and two basic dimensions are involved, namely, length and time. Two dimensionless
variables can therefore be formed, and they are shown in equation (9.23).
We write equation (9.23) in the form
= F(η), (9.24)