290 Dynamic Similarity
plays a key role in research. A well-known example of this is the Kolmogorov K
spectral law of isotropic turbulence presented in Chapter 13.
6. Comments on Model Testing
The concept of similarity is the basis of model testing, in which test data on one flow
can be applied to other flows. The cost of experimentation with full-scale objects
(which are frequently called prototypes) can be greatly reduced by experiments on
a smaller geometrically similar model. Alternatively, experiments with a relatively
inconvenient fluid such as air or helium can be substituted by an experiment with an
easily workable fluid such as water. A model study is invariably undertaken when a
new aircraft, ship, submarine, or harbor is designed.
In many flow situations both friction and gravity forces are important, which
requires that both the Reynolds number and the Froude number be duplicated in a
model testing. Since Re = Ul/ν and Fr = U/
gl, simultaneous satisfaction of both
criteria would require U ∝ 1/l and U ∝
l as the model length is varied. It follows
that both the Reynolds and the Froude numbers cannot be duplicated simultaneously
unless fluids of different viscosities are used in the model and the prototype flows.
This becomes impractical, or even impossible, as the requirement sometimes needs
viscosities that cannot be met by common fluids. It is then necessary to decide which
of the two forces is more important in the flow, and a model is designed on the
basis of the corresponding dimensionless number. Corrections can then be applied to
account for the inequality of the remaining dimensionless group. This is illustrated
in Example 8.1, which follows this section.
Although geometric similarity is a precondition to dynamic similarity, this is
not always possible to attain. In a model study of a river basin, a geometrically
similar model results in a stream so shallow that capillary and viscous effects become
dominant. In such a case it is necessary to use a vertical scale larger than the horizontal
scale. Such distorted models lack complete similitude, and their results are corrected
before making predictions on the prototype.
Models of completely submerged objects are usually tested in a wind tunnel or
in a towing tank where they are dragged through a pool of water. The towing tank
is also used for testing models that are not completely submerged, for example, ship
hulls; these are towed along the free surface of the liquid.
Example 8.1. A ship 100 m long is expected to sail at 10 m/s. It has a submerged
surface of 300 m
. Find the model speed for a 1/25 scale model, neglecting frictional
effects. The drag is measured to be 60 N when the model is tested in a towing tank at
the model speed. Based on this information estimate the prototype drag after making
corrections for frictional effects.
Solution: We first estimate the model speed neglecting frictional effects. Then
the nondimensional drag force depends only on the Froude number:
= f
. (8.20)