247Epitaxial growth of graphene thin films on single crystal metal surfaces
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might rst be covered by graphene islands having well-dened zigzag edges
following the recipe described in Section 10.3.2 (pre-adsorption of ethene at
room temperature followed by high temperature annealing). accordingly a
high density of islands is achieved, and the growth can be continued by CVD
at high temperature, yielding exclusively the more stable and energetically
preferred variant (van Gastel, 2009). In practice, the rst step may be
performed at 1200°C and the second at 800°C, which results in a single
crystallographic orientation of graphene across the whole sample surface. The
as-grown graphene has a low density of wrinkles (see Section 10.2.4) due
to the low growth temperature of 800°C during graphene layer completion.
The lower growth temperature induces less thermal lattice mismatch during
cooling and consequently less strain relieving defects.
The different variants have distinct stabilities, as suggested by the
preferential high temperature oxygen etching of the graphene variants of
which the zigzag edges do not align to dense-packed rows in the metal (van
Gastel, 2009; Starodub, 2010). This difference in reactivity was employed as
an alternative route to achieve macroscopic graphene samples with a single
orientation on Ir(111), via cycles of CVD growth with ethylene and oxygen
etching of the undesired variants (van Gastel, 2009) (Fig. 10.13).
10.3.3 Graphene multilayers on metals
Graphene multilayers are commonly obtained on metals which can store a
non-negligible amount of carbon in their bulk. This is the case for instance
for Ru, Ni or Co. Relatively slow cooling rates (typically 10°C/s, but this
gure depends on the amount of C stored in the metal) are usually employed
to promote the diffusion of carbon towards the bulk of the metal, leaving
only a limited amount of carbon close to the metal surface, which favours the
growth of few-layer and even single layer graphene (Yu, 2008; Reina, 2009b).
Too slow cooling rates leave too much time for carbon to diffuse towards
the metal bulk, resulting in negligible amounts of carbon near the surface
and accordingly no graphene growth by segregation. on the contrary, fast
cooling rates inhibit carbon diffusion towards the bulk, so that large amounts
of carbon are available close to the surface of the metal: this favours the
growth of multilayer and defective graphene. leeM showed that an additional
graphene layer starts to grow after each layer is completed (Sutter, 2009b,
2009c). So far the question of how the second layer of graphene grows after
the rst is completed remains open: on Pt(111) it was shown that the second
layer does not grow between the rst layer and the topmost Pt layer (Sutter,
2009a), pushing the rst layer upwards, which suggests that carbon atoms
are escaping the bulk towards the graphene surface via defects (e.g. holes)
present in the rst graphene layer. LEEM studies showed that the graphene
growth by segregation is mostly a bulk-diffusion limited process (McCarty,
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