272 Thin fi lm growth
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for instance, Kelvin–Probe spectroscopy, they feature an unmatched spatial
resolution with respect to alternative techniques.
11.4 Adsorption properties of polar fi lms
Residual polarity gives rise to unusual adsorption and chemical properties of
thin oxide lms (Goniakowski et al., 2008; Sun et al., 2009). The difference
to non-polar systems lies in the electrostatic contribution to the surface free
energy that originates from the uncompensated surface dipole (see discussion
in Section 11.1). The binding behaviour of adsorbates is therefore not only
governed by the usual physisorption and chemisorption effects, but includes
changes in the electrostatic energy of the system as adsorbates might reduce its
polarity. Given the magnitude of the energies involved, the binding potential
of polar surfaces can be substantially higher compared to non-polar ones. A
direct manifestation of this effect is the wetting growth of metals on polar
surfaces, whereas mainly three-dimensional deposits form on non-polar oxide
materials (Goniakowski and Noguera, 2002; Meyer and Marx, 2004).
Two mechanisms have to be considered in conjunction with polarity
healing via adsorbates. In a rst scenario, the ad-species become charged
upon adsorption and alter the electron density on the surface. As discussed
in Section 11.1, depolarization of the system takes place when the surface
charge density equals the bulk density times the ratio between interlayer
distance d and unit cell height D:
This condition can now be ful lled by adsorbing the required number of
charged species to the surface. The most prominent example of this mechanism
is the attachment of protons (H
) that often originate from the heterolytic
splitting of water to polar surfaces (hydroxylation). For rocksalt (111), every
surface site needs to be occupied by a hydroxyl group in order to quench
the polarity, although d/D = 0.5. The reason is that each H
carries only half
the charge of an oxide ion (Mg
, O
). In the case of wurzite (0001), on the
other hand, 50% surface coverage would be suf cient. The hydroxylation
of polar oxide surfaces has been intensively studied with infrared re ection
absorption and high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS),
as discussed for instance in Rohr et al. (1994), Poon et al., (2006) and Wang
(2008). At the local scale, proton attachment was investigated with the STM
on Cr
/Cr(110) lms (Maurice et al., 2001) and more recently on FeO/
Pt(111) (Merte et al., 2009; Knudsen et al., 2010). Although dipole removal
via hydroxylation is observed most frequently, any other adsorbate that is
easily ionized or polarized can be used instead. Examples for the adsorption
of charged ad-species on polar oxide lms are given in Section 11.4.1.
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