are tempered at low temperatures. In cryogenic
treatments, tools are led to very low tempera-
tures, approaching or crossing the final M
temperature. They are normally performed after
a stress relief (at about 150
C) to avoid tool
cracking. After the cryogenic treatment, tem-
pering is also necessary to avoid brittleness from
the just formed fresh martensite.
In summary, the presence of retained auste-
nite in unusually large amounts is an indication
that either the hardening or tempering treatment
has been inadequately conducted. Other sources
of brittleness can emerge in such situations,
besides the retained austenite itself. For
example, higher hardening temperatures pro-
mote coarse grain sizes and also may increase
the potential for carbide precipitation on auste-
nite grain boundaries; both effects cause intense
embrittlement (condition 4, Fig. 16). Incorrect
tempering, with shorter times (see next section)
or incorrect temperatures (previous section),
changes the stress relief of the martensite
structure and the whole strengthening mecha-
nism, thus affecting material toughness as well
(condition 2, Fig. 16).
Therefore, several examples are observed
of industry failures assisted by retained
austenite that emerged from incorrect proce-
dures. Figure 21 presents two examples. The
first, (Fig. 21a, b) shows an AISI O6 tool that
cracked after limited service. Retained austenite
is clearly observed in its microstructure. The
second tool in Fig. 21 is an AISI S7 die. This
grade has lower carbon (~0.50%) and much
lower undissolved carbides in comparison to the
O- or D-series steels. It should be less prone to
retained austenite formation and to the effect of
incorrect heat treating conditions. However, this
tool was carburized, and a surface pickup of
carbon took place, leading to a reduction of M
and M
and thus causing the high amount of
retained austenite. In both cases, overaustenitiz-
ing conditions were employed, enabling the
existence of such high retained austenite content
and leading to embrittlement.
Excessively Short or Absent Tempering.
“Tempering, the final heat treatment step
applied to tool steels, is defined as the heating
of a martensitic or hardened steel to some tem-
perature below A
temperature (initial tempera-
ture of austenite formation); this step produces
the final structure and mechanical properties of
a hardened steel.” This citation, from Ref 1,
briefly explains the importance of tempering
treatment. However, in practical situations, this
is not so obvious. After austenitizing and
quenching, the steel is hardened to a very high
hardness—in many cases, the highest hardness
possible to attain for a given steel. After tem-
pering, no significant differences can be ob-
served in hardness measurements, especially for
cold work steels, which have a work hardness
very close to the as-quenched hardness. This can
lead to several problems regarding the embrittle-
ment of a tool caused by poor tempering prac-
During tempering, several solid-state pheno-
mena occur simultaneously in the steel micro-
structure. Depending on the alloy content of a
tool steel, the tempering curve presents a dif-
ferent aspect, as shown in Fig. 22 by a division in
classes. Class 1 is typical for high-carbon, low-
alloy tool steels, class 2 for high-chromium cold
work steels, class 3 for high-speed steels with
strong secondary hardening, and class 4 for hot
work tool steels. Typical cold work steels, from
AISI D or O series, will have curves close to
classes 1 or 2.
As shown and discussed in Fig. 22 and
quantitatively in Fig. 7, both AISI O and D
grades must be tempered at lower temperatures
to attain the highest hardness levels—60 HRC
or higher. Tempering is typically conducted
at temperatures of approximately 200
C. In
practical situations, this is not that simple. The
heat flux at such low temperatures is also low,
and thus, tempering of dies may take several
hours. As a consequence, it is common to find
examples of tools that were insufficiently tem-
pered. Two cases are shown in Fig. 23.
Avoiding these kind of failures is not techni-
cally difficult, but it is time (and money) con-
suming. A basic rule should be observed: Any
operation should not be conducted with the steel
in the as-quenched condition. If the tempering
time is unknown, a rule of thumb to observe
is that a steel is hardly ever overtempered (if
the time is exceeded) but can be easily under-
tempered (if the time is too short). This happens
because the tempering parameter, as described
in Fig. 22, has the time in log scale. However, the
most desirable situation is to have good control
of the tool temperature during heat treating.
One example is monitoring tool heating and
treatment time with thermocouples attached
to the part; ideally, all tool regions should be
maintained at temperature for approximately
This discussion of tempering times is im-
portant, due to the intense microstructural
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