coarse (as-cast) microstructure, and frequent
precracked regions.
Some typical examples of die failures assisted
by incorrect EDM are shown in Fig. 15. In
Fig. 15(a), a 63 mm (2
in.) diameter by
13 mm (0.5 in). long blanking die for a small
part cracked from the corners of the EDM cavity
after the die had produced 20,000 pieces. The
die was made of heat treated A2 tool steel. In
Fig. 15(b), the surface of an AISI A4 cup plate is
shown, with spalling at one of the holes, which
were made by EDM. A laboratory investigation
of this failure led to the typical appearance of
EDM-assisted failures: a coarse, white surface
layer that is very high and brittle, due to the
presence of an untempered martensitic matrix
and net carbides. Below, unquenched martensite
is observed, followed by a region of overtem-
pered martensite, after which the normal (core)
microstructure is observed.
In many situations, the affected regions are not
exposed as clearly as in Fig. 15(c). However, the
typical white layer is always present on the tool
surface, as shown in Fig. 14. The coarser this
layer, the higher the probability for tool failure,
due to its brittleness and the fact that the EDM
white layer likely possesses cracks.
Three major practices are recommended for
avoiding premature cracking caused by EDM:
Reduce the stock removal when finishing the
EDM process (if low-frequency EDM was
used for roughing, high-frequency should be
used for finishing). This is helpful for mini-
mizing the depth of the rehardened white
The white layer should be eliminated or
minimized by light grinding or lapping. This
procedure is time-consuming but, in many
situations, can lead to an impressive exten-
sion of tool life, especially when white layers
are thick and the tool is crack-sensitive.
For relieving stresses in EDM-processed
dies and increasing the toughness of the re-
maining white layer, a new tempering treat-
ment should be performed. Its temperature
should be 30 to 50
C below the maximum
tempering temperature used in the heat
treatment, to avoid hardness loss. Normally,
this procedure is easy to apply and therefore
is highly recommended.
Although both grinding and EDM can damage
the tool surface, EDM problems are much
more common in industrial tool failures. This
occurs in particular for cold work tool steels and
high-speed steels, where the surface white layer
has high brittleness and the base material (i.e.,
the tool steel) has low resistance to crack pro-
pagation. However, EDM-assisted failures are
also observed in hot work dies.
Also important to mention here is the effect of
incorrect EDM in plastic molds. Although the
mechanical stressing is normally low, surface
finishing (by polishing or texturing) is crucial in
this application because plastic injected parts are
able to reproduce any problems on the mold
surface. Thus, EDM defects may cause serious
quality problems to injected parts, impairing the
mold application.
Failures due to the Heat Treating Proce-
dure of Cold Work Steels. The heat treating
procedure can itself deeply change the micro-
structure and properties of all tool steels, not
only the cold work grades. This may occur even
if the specified hardness is obtained. This section
deals with failures caused by improper heat
treating procedure and is divided into the three
most common causes in cold work tool steels:
the use of incorrect temperatures, the use of
excessively short tempering times (or even no
tempering at all), and the formation of excessive
amounts of retained austenite, caused either by
improper hardening or incorrect tempering.
Incorrect Hardening or Tempering Tem-
peratures. As for other tool steels, the same
class of cold work tool steels may present im-
portant differences in the indicated heat treat-
ing temperatures. If the temperature is higher
or lower than that indicated for a certain grade,
mechanical properties may be altered, especially
for toughness. Thus, the die performance is also
strongly influenced.
This section describes this effect in a specific
grade—the 8% Cr tool steel, which has been
highly employed in tools that traditionally use
grades from the D or O series. As discussed
previously, the 8%Cr-0.8%C steels have a dis-
tinct combination of toughness and wear resis-
tance that makes these grades very suitable for
cold work tooling. However, their heat treating
temperatures are considerably different from
that used in the usual grades.
To illustrate this effect, an 8% Cr steel was
chosen (commercial name VF800), and various
temperatures were used for its heat treatment.
The composition of this grade is shown in
Table 2. Such conditions were analyzed in
the laboratory in terms of microstructure and
mechanical properties (measured by a bend
test, Ref 12). Four conditions were applied, as
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