bonds needed for cellular activities. Lastly, the metab-
olism of inorganic phosphate is closely linked to that
of calcium, and this review will, therefore, also deal
to some extent with calcium and its homeostatic con-
trol. Adequate phosphorus and calcium intakes are
critical not only for skeletal growth, but also for
growth and development of soft tissues, especially in
neonates. (See Bone; Calcium: Physiology; Cells;
Energy: Measurement of Food Energy.)
0002 Phosphorus, in both the inorganic phosphate (Pi)
and organic phosphate forms (Po), is abundant in
nearly all foods traditionally consumed. This element
is especially rich in animal products, such as meats,
fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and other dairy products, but
it also exists in cereal grains and most vegetables in
good quantities. Because Pi ions are so readily
absorbed across the small intestine, with an efficiency
of roughly 65–75% in adults and with a somewhat
higher efficiency in children, the prompt rise in blood
Pi after a meal or snack influences calcium homeo-
stasis, when Pi ions enter the blood from the gut,
essentially unaccompanied by the more slowly
absorbed calcium ions. An elevation in the plasma
concentration of Pi tends to depress the serum
calcium concentration, mainly Ca
, through the for-
mation of a complex of the two ions, and this decline
in Ca
stimulates parathyroid hormone (PTH)
release. Although the specific mechanism through
which Pi exerts this effect on plasma Ca
has not
been fully established, many experimental data sup-
port the existence of this phenomenon.
0003 Dietary phosphorus deficiency, although highly
unlikely because of the abundance of this element in
foods, contributes to low serum Pi concentration and
thereby limits bone mineralization via osteoblasts and
the total amount of bone mineral mass deposited in the
skeleton. Furthermore, Pi deficiency increases bone
turnover, which, during infancy, can lead to rickets.
Dietary Sources of Phosphorus
0004 Although both organic and inorganic forms of phos-
phorus are widely distributed in foods, 75% or so of
the phosphorus in foods is converted to Pi following
the various digestive steps in the stomach and upper
small intestine. The organic phosphorus usually
remains associated with the fat-soluble dietary
molecules that are absorbed without digestion of the
phosphate groups from these molecules, as is the case
with phosphatidylcholine (lecithin).
0005 Phosphate additives in processed foods and in
beverages can also make an important contribution
to total phosphorus intakes. Concern has been raised
about the quantity of phosphate added to cola-type
soft drinks, which usually contain approximately
60 mg of phosphate per 12-oz. (336-g) container in
the United States, but in reality, much greater
amounts of phosphates are added to other processed
foods commonly consumed in developed nations.
Phosphate additives are used most by the food indus-
try in baked goods, meats, cheeses, and milk products
in the United States.
0006Mean phosphorus intakes of American women,
according to recent surveys, range between 900 and
1200 mg per day, depending on age and caloric intake;
older women consume less phosphorus than younger
women, and active women consume more than sed-
entary individuals. Men usually consume closer to an
average of 1500 mg per day, and their intakes also
decline with age and with declining activity and
caloric intake. The US Recommended Dietary Allow-
ance (RDA) for each sex over 19 years of age was
reduced in 1997 to 700 mg (Institute of Medicine)
from 800 mg (NRC), whereas recommended calcium
intakes were increased for adults until the end of life.
Adequate intakes of phosphorus are readily achieved
from foods in the USA, but those of calcium are not.
The ratio of Ca:P in typical diets of American adult
females is approximately 0.5:1, which raises concern
among nutritionists because of the potential adverse
effects of nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism
(see below). (See Dietary Requirements of Adults.)
0007Table 1 gives representative values of these same
foods; the Ca:P ratio of these foods is also given as
reference for later discussion of this ratio under
Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism.
Intestinal Absorption of Phosphates
0008The net absorption of Pi is highly efficient; and the Pi
efficiency is more than twice that of calcium absorp-
tion, which is usually stated as being between 25 and
30% in adults. The efficiency of Pi absorption by
infants has been reported to be as high as 80–90%.
Typical meals that contain representative items from
all food groups, including dairy, have ratios of Ca:Pi
approaching 0.7:1.0. If the actual amount of calcium
in the meal is 350 mg, and the amount of phosphorus
is 500 mg, then 75% of the phosphorus, or 375 mg,
will be absorbed, most of it within the first postpran-
dial hour, but only 30% or 105 mg of calcium will be
maximally absorbed, and this process usually takes
several hours to be completed. The net effect is that
the rise in blood Pi concentration tends to depress the
serum Ca
, perhaps through a reciprocal adjustment
in the serum ion concentration product, i.e., [Ca
[Pi] ¼ constant, a mechanism proposed in the 1940s.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion from the para-
thyroid glands responds to the depressed serum Ca
concentration as long as absorbed Pi continues
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