lipids are sequestered away from the water to the
interior of the bilayer in the most thermodynamically
favorable arrangement. Because of such chemical
characteristics, membrane phospholipid molecules
spontanously form bilayers in aqueous environments
and form sealed compartments.
0004 Cellular membranes are organized in mosaic-like
structures which are dynamic and mobile. The terms
‘fluidity’ and ‘motility’ are used to describe properties
of membrane and membrane components, respect-
ively. Fluidy reflects the viscosity within the mem-
brane that depends on both the composition and
temperature within the membrane. The change in vis-
cosity or in phase transition (from liquid to gel or
crystalline state) is determined by the chain length
and saturation of the hydrocarbon chains. A shorter
chain length reduces the tendency of the hydrocarbon
tails to interact with one another and cis double bonds
produce kinks in the hydrocarbon chains that make
them more difficult to pack together, making mem-
branes more fluid at lower temperatures. Phospho-
lipid mobility is determined by intramolecular and
intermolecular motion. Intramolecular motion in-
cludes three main types: (1) rotation or vibration
about each C–C bond within the fatty acyl chain (seg-
mental motion); (2) rotation of the entire molecule
about the long axis perpendicular to the plane of the
bilayer; (3) a pendulum-like motion of the fatty acyl
chains. Intermolecular motion refers to lateral diffu-
sion of complete phospholipid molecules and occurs
by interchange of one lipid molecule for another.
These time motions have a different time scale, i.e.,
segmental motion is very fast, whereas lateral diffu-
sion is slower. Flip-flop or migration of phospholipid
molecules from one monolayer to another is a com-
paratively less common type of intermolecular
motion. These movements are possible because of
the presence of a special class of endoplasmic reticu-
lum (ER) membrane-bound enzyme, called phospho-
lipid exchange proteins or phospholipid translocators,
which catalyze the rapid flip-flop of specific phospho-
lipids from the inner to the outer monolayer of plasma
membrane or from one organelle membrane to an-
other, e.g., from microsomal vesicles to mitochondria.
The phospholipid movements in biological mem-
branes are presented schematically in Figure 2.
0005 Phospholipid fraction of cellular membranes varies
considerably in total amount and in the composition
of the fatty acids. This diversity occurs across species,
among tissues, and even among organelles in the same
cell (Table 1).
0006 The functional role of differences in fatty acid com-
position of cell membranes and the fatty acid asym-
metry between phospholipids from the outer and
the inner membrane have an important functional
significance. In human red blood cell membranes,
most of the PtdSer, which is negatively charged, is
located in the inner monolayer. This position is im-
portant for the activity of the enzyme protein kinase
C which requires the negative charge of phosphati-
dylserine (Figure 2). Similarly, specific inositol phos-
pholipids are concentrated in the cytoplasmatic half
of the plasma membrane where it can be reached by
specific enzymes and the product of the phosphatidy-
linositol molecules serves as intracellular signals.
Biosynthesis of Phospholipids
0007A more direct approach about the biosynthetic path-
ways of phospholipids, known as the Kennedy
pathway, became possible with the utilization of
radioactive and stable isotopes, which permitted ad-
vances in the understanding of phospholipid active
synthesis and breakdown in the cells and their role as
a metabolic pool for cellular signals. These techniques
are now combined with genetic manipulation for
the study of the pathways involved in phospholipid
0008The ER of eukaryotic cells is the predominant site
of phospholipid and sphingolipid assembly, but there
are phospholipid biosynthetic enzymes localized in
the mitochondria and microsomes. The yeast Sac-
charomyces cerevisiae has become the model of
choice for the study of the regulation of phospholipid
biosynthesis, owing to the possibility of a biochem-
ical, molecular, and genetic approach. The model
system of S. cerevisiae has allowed advances in the
study of intracellular transport and assembly of lipids
into membranes, analysis of the genes, and gene prod-
ucts required for lipid metabolism and definition of
the role of lipids in signal transduction. Many of the
enzymes were isolated and purified and metabolic
pathways were targeted by genetic manipulation of
specific genes which were impossible in other eukary-
otic organisms. In addition, the pathways of phos-
pholipid metabolism in S. cerevisiae are, with few
exceptions, similar to those found in higher eukary-
otes. They also display the intracellular compartmen-
talization and subcellular membranes typical of
eukaryotes which are important for the study of lo-
calization of the phospholipid biosynthesis enzymes.
0009Figure 3 shows the biosynthetic pathways in
S. cerevisiae. The important steps are outlined, to-
gether with the enzymes responsible for specific reac-
tions. The whole biosynthetic process is highly
interconnected to the sorting and delivery of plasma
and subcellular membrane. Synthesis of long-chain
fatty acids is achieved by the coordinated action
of acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) carboxylase, fatty
acid synthase and acyl-CoA synthetases (FAAs),
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