(1:1, v/v) or a solution of 2,4-pentanedione or dithi-
zone/carbon tetrachloride has also been proposed.
0018 To avoid losses by adsorption on to container
walls, it is advisable to store digested samples and to
prepare standard solutions in diluted acid (nitric or
hydrochloric acid) below pH 1.5. However in acidic
conditions reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) is favored.
0019 Since the acids used in chromium determination,
especially nitric acid, are a source of contamination, it
is advisable to use reagents of high quality or to distil
them previously. Reagent blanks must be used to
monitor such contamination.
0020 Contact with materials that can give up chromium,
i.e., metallic surfaces such as stainless steel, should be
avoided. Therefore, knives, mixers, homogenators, or
mills which are made from stainless steel should be
avoided and replaced by others made from polymeric
materials, quartz, or titanium. Colored polymeric
materials such as screw-caps for bottles, dispensers,
and pipette tips can contain chromium and should be
controlled for contamination.
0021 Chromium determinations below the 1 mgl
require strict contamination control and clean-room
Sample Digestion
0022 The choice of the digestion method is important in
trace chromium determination. The use of dry
methods carries the risk of the formation of acid-insol-
uble Cr(III) oxide and can lead to chromium losses by
adsorption on the walls of the crucible or by volatil-
ization after formation of chromyl chloride at tem-
peratures higher than 550
C. These losses are
minimized when the temperature is increased grad-
ually and does not exceed 450–500
C. Nevertheless,
some authors have reported losses of chromium by
volatilization at 450
C and obtained better results at
lower temperatures together with oxygen plasma. In
the latter procedure, the amount of sample is limited
and relatively large amounts of hydrogen peroxide are
needed as an ashing aid. A dry-ashing in Pt crucibles
with a temperature ramp at a rate of 50
up to
C is the digestion method adopted by the Nordic
Committee on Food Analysis as its official method-
ology for chromium determination in foodstuffs.
0023 In wet digestion procedures, mixtures of acids and
oxidizing agents are used, the most commonly used
ones being nitric, sulfuric, and perchloric acids with
hydrogen peroxide or vanadium pentoxide. When
foods have a high fat content, mixtures of nitric,
perchloric, and sulfuric acids, or nitric and sulfuric
acids, are recommended.
0024 The high boiling point of sulfuric acid helps the
activity of oxidizing agents and, with the addition of
nitric acid, the disadvantage of forming sulfate com-
pounds of low solubility is overcome. Digestion,
however, with nitric and sulfuric acids requires good
refluxing to prevent losses.
0025Significant losses of chromium during wet ashing
occur when perchloric is present and the sample is
concentrated close to dryness because of chromyl
chloride (CrO
) formation, which boils at
C. Formation of chromyl chloride can be
minimized by the addition of sulfuric acid.
0026The main risk of wet digestion is contamination
through the reagents, especially when high volumes
are used. Digestions in closed systems and/or in micro-
wave systems require less time and reagents. There-
fore, the risk of contamination decreases and losses by
volatilization are also reduced to a minimum.
0027Microwave digestion is now widely used to meas-
ure chromium contents in foods, because it is faster,
safer, and provides more reproducible conditions
than conventional methods, resulting in better analyt-
ical precision.
0028In some vegetable species chromium is retained by
an insoluble residue of silica. When this occurs, treat-
ment with hydrofluoric acid is necessary to overcome
the problem of low recovery values.
0029Extreme care must be taken in all wet ashing
procedures where strong acids and strong oxidizing
agents are used. The formation of explosive nitro
compounds has been reported when fat-rich food
samples have been digested with nitric acid.
Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy
0030The traditional spectrophotometric method of
520 nm, based on the violet complex formed with
1,5-diphenyl-carbazide (DPC), is still widely used
for determining chromium in water, because of
its high sensitivity. Chromium must be present as
Cr(VI) and the diphenylcarbazide is oxidized to the
diphenylcarbazone. Iron, copper, molybdenum, and
vanadium can interfere. To remove interference and
to increase the sensitivity of the method, both cation
exchange resins (iron and copper) and cupferron
(iron, copper, molybdenum, and vanadium) have
been used.
0031This method has been applied to chromium deter-
mination in foods after destroying the organic matter
and removing the interferences. Detection limits of
10 ng g
have been reported.
0032The complex chromium hematoxiline, with a
maximum absorbance between 360 and 390 nm, has
also been applied to foods, although less often than
the diphenylcarbazide method.
CHROMIUM/Properties and Determination 1303