teen/college slang 192
the SLANGMAN GUIDE TO street speak 3
so adv. definitely • (lit.): extremely.
example: Joanne has been saying mean things about me for the past
month. I’m so not speaking to her ever again!
translation: Joanne has been saying mean things about me for the past
month. I’m definitely not speaking to her ever again!
“real speak”: Joanne’s been saying mean things about me fer the past
month. I’m so not speaking ta her ever again!
Note: This is a unique usage of the adverb “so” among teenagers!
Typically, so is used to emphasis an adjective such as so
tired; extremely tired • so happy; extremely happy, etc.
Teens use so to mean “definitely” and is commonly heard
before the past tense of a verb (You are so fired!; You are
definitely fired!) or before a phrase (I’m so not shopping
there again!; I’m definitely not shopping there again!).
NOW YOU DO IT. complete the phrase aloud:
I am so not...
tore up (to be) exp. to be very ugly.
example: Why would a great-looking guy like Dave want to go out
with a girl like Betty? She’s tore up!
translation: Why would a great-looking guy like Dave want to go out
with a girl like Betty? She’s really ugly!
“real speak”: Why would a great-looking guy like Dave wanna go out
with a girl like Beddy? She’s to’ up!
Note 2: This was orig i nally in tro duced as a rhym ing ex pres sion,
to be tore up from the floor up. How ever, the trend in teen
slang is to shorten, Shorten, SHORTEN! There fore, this
ex pres sion quickly be came to be tore up. Next, it went
through one more trans for ma tion. A south ern, Af ri can-
American ur ban ac cent was ap plied to the pro nun ci a tion,
where the “R” sound is typ i cally dropped; to be to’ up
(pro nounced “tow”). It would ac tu ally be very un com mon
to hear this ex pres sion with the “R” pro nounced!
• See: whore (un der tramp, syn onym 2) p. 48.
NOW YOU DO IT. complete the phrase aloud:
...thinks he’s handsome, but I think he’s to’ up!
trip (to) v. • to hallucinate • (lit): to hallucinate under the influence of drugs.
example: If you think you can pass this class without studying, you’re
translation: If you think you can pass this class without studying, you’re
“real speak”: If ya think ya c’n pass this class without studying, y’r
Variation: trip out (to) exp.
NOW YOU DO IT. complete the phrase aloud:
I think Larry is tripping because yesterday...