sediment by spore formation. Under anaerobic conditions
that permit germination, toxin production occurs. Although
boiling for 10 minutes will kill bacteria and destroy toxins,
spores are heat-resistant and can survive boiling for 3–5 hours.
Food contaminated by botulism toxin may have no detectable
change in appearance or taste.
Botulism toxin is the most potent toxin known on a per-
weight basis. Eight immunologically distinct toxins have
been described: A, B, Cα and Cβ, D, E, F, and G. Each strain
of C. botulinum can produce only a single toxin type. Toxins
A, B, and E have been the most common causes of human
disease. Toxins A and B are the most potent; even small tastes
of food contaminated with these toxins have resulted in full-
blown disease.
Specific C. botulinum toxins appear to be geographically
distributed throughout the world. In the United States, toxin
A is found predominantly west of the Mississippi, whereas
toxin B is found in the eastern states. Toxin E is found in the
Great Lakes region and in Alaska, where one of the highest
rates of botulism worldwide is seen.
Toxins produced by C. botulinum block acetylcholine
release at peripheral neuromuscular and autonomic nerve
junctions, resulting in weakness, flaccid paralysis, and some-
times respiratory failure. Toxin binding is irreversible.
B. Food-Borne Botulism—Botulism toxins are large pro-
teins. In food-borne botulism, ingested preformed toxin is
absorbed in the stomach and upper small intestine. Toxins
are reduced in size by proteolytic enzymes, but their activity
remains unchanged. Pancreatic trypsin actually may
enhance the toxicity of some toxin strains. In addition to
improperly home-canned foods, outbreaks of botulism have
been traced to noncanned foods such as eviscerated dried
fish, yogurt flavored with hazelnut conserve, a garlic-in-oil
product, homemade salsa, cheese sauce, baked potatoes
sealed in aluminum foil, and sautéed onions stored under a
layer of butter.
Botulism toxin has potential as a weapon of bioterrorism,
both from ingestion and by inhalation. Clinical findings
would be identical, but possible features would include a
large outbreak with common environmental exposure, an
unusual toxin type, or multiple simultaneous outbreaks.
C. Wound Botulism—Wound botulism results when C.
botulinum grows and produces toxin in traumatized, devitalized
tissue. The wound may appear insignificant. Toxin produc-
tion is followed by onset of symptoms after an incubation
period of 4–14 days. Many cases of wound botulism have
occurred in teenagers, children, and injection drug users.
Sinus infection with C. botulinum has been reported after
intranasal cocaine use; evidence suggests that botulism toxin
can be inhaled or inoculated through the eye. In recent years,
there has been a dramatic increase in the number of cases of
wound botulism linked to the subcutaneous injection of
impure “black tar” heroin imported from Mexico, perhaps
the result of contamination of the drug during the “cutting”
process with adulterants such as dirt.
D. Adult Infectious Botulism—While most cases of adult
botulism are the result of ingested preformed toxin, there
have been cases of botulism in patients with documented
C. botulinum colonization of the intestinal tract. Risk factors
include abdominal surgery, GI tract abnormalities, and
recent antibiotic administration, all of which presumably
alter the normal GI flora.
Clinical Features
The diagnosis of food-borne botulism should be considered
when an acute illness with GI or neurologic manifestations
affects two or more persons who have shared a meal during
the preceding 72 hours. Wound botulism presents with sim-
ilar neurologic symptoms but without GI complaints.
A. Symptoms and Signs—An initial pentad of signs and
symptoms has been described in botulism, consisting of nau-
sea and vomiting, dysphagia, diplopia, dilated and fixed
pupils, and an extremely dry mouth unrelieved by drinking
fluids. Over 90% of patients have at least three of these signs
or symptoms. Symptoms can occur as early as 2 hours or as
late as 8 days after toxin ingestion but usually occur within
18–36 hours. Onset of symptoms can be abrupt or may
evolve over several days. Abnormalities of cranial nerve
motor functions are followed by descending symmetric
paralysis or weakness. Respiratory muscle weakness may be
subtle or may progress rapidly to respiratory failure. Somatic
musculature is affected last. Patients may develop autonomic
nervous system manifestations, including constipation from
paralytic ileus, gastric dilation, urinary retention, and ortho-
static hypotension.
Notably absent in patients with botulism are sensory dis-
turbances, changes in sensorium, and fever. Cranial nerves I
and II are spared. Deep tendon reflexes may be intact, dimin-
ished, or absent, but pathologic reflexes cannot be demon-
strated. In addition, the heart rate may be normal or slow
unless secondary infection is present.
B. Laboratory Findings—The diagnosis of botulism is con-
firmed by isolating botulism toxin through a mouse neutral-
ization bioassay. Toxin may be identified in samples of
serum, stool, vomitus, gastric aspirate, and suspected foods.
C. botulinum may be grown on selective media from samples
of stool or foods. Specimens for toxin analysis should be
refrigerated, but culture samples for C. botulinum should
not. Because the toxin may enter the bloodstream through
the eye or a small break in the skin, only experienced person-
nel, preferably immunized with botulinum toxoid, should
handle specimens.
Electromyography may be useful in establishing a diagno-
sis of botulism but can be nonspecific and nondiagnostic
even in severe cases. Low-amplitude and short-duration
motor unit action potentials, small M-wave amplitudes, and
posttetanic fasciculation may be seen. A modest increment in
M-wave amplitude with rapid repetitive nerve stimulation
may help to localize the disorder to the neuromuscular