patients with neutropenia, organ transplant recipients, dia-
betics, asplenic individuals, patients on chronic corticos-
teroid therapy, and HIV-infected patients. Knowledge of an
underlying condition may lead a physician to modify or
broaden empirical antibiotic therapy when such a patient is
admitted to the ICU with infection or suspected infection.
The physician also should keep in mind that relative
immunosuppression may alter or minimize presenting
symptoms and physical findings. Patients with HIV infection
represent a population with specific management issues (see
Chapter 27). In general, immunocompromised patients who
require intensive care for an infectious process should have
an infectious disease consultant involved in their care.
The Neutropenic Patient
Advances in the fields of oncology and hematology have led to
increasing numbers of patients undergoing intensive
chemotherapy for hematologic or solid-organ malignancies,
with significant resulting immunosuppression. One of the
major complications of such therapy—and an important cause
of morbidity and mortality—is supervening infection. At least
50% of febrile neutropenic patients have either established or
occult infection; only 30–50% of these episodes can be docu-
mented microbiologically. Because these patients have a dimin-
ished immune response to infection owing to their
neutropenia, it often happens that no obvious signs of infection
such as purulent drainage, erythema, or edema are present.
Fever is frequently the only sign. Empirical antimicrobial ther-
apy of the febrile neutropenic patient is the standard of care.
Using the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) guide-
lines, neutropenia is defined as fewer than 500 neutrophils/μL
or fewer than 1000 neutrophils/μL with an anticipated decline
to fewer than 500 neutrophils/μL. Fever is defined as a single
oral measurement of 38.3°C or greater or 38°C or greater over
a period of 1 hour. A thorough history and physical examina-
tion should be performed in patients with neutropenia and
fever, with scrutiny of the skin, oropharynx, and perirectal areas
to localize a source of infection. Blood cultures for bacteria and
fungi, a chest x-ray, liver enzymes, a complete blood count, and
a chemistry panel should be obtained. Once such tests have
been performed, empirical antimicrobial therapy should be
initiated without delay. In previous decades, the most common
pathogens identified in febrile neutropenic patients were aero-
bic gram-negative bacilli of enteric origin, including E. coli,
Klebsiella species, and P. aeruginosa. However, an increasing
incidence of bacteremia owing to gram-positive organisms
such as S. epidermidis, S. aureus, β-hemolytic streptococci, and
enterococci has been documented in recent years, thought to be
the result of increased use of indwelling intravenous catheters,
administration of chemotherapeutic regimens that induce
mucositis, induction of profound and prolonged neutropenia,
unrecognized herpetic mucositis, routine use of H
and use of prophylactic antimicrobial agents with broad gram-
negative coverage (such as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or
Initial empirical therapy should be targeted against gram-
negative bacilli using an antipseudomonal antibiotic (eg,
piperacillin, ceftazidime, cefepime, meropenem, or
imipenem-cilastin) in conjunction with an aminoglycoside.
Monotherapy with ceftazidime, cefepime, meropenem, or
imipenem-cilastin can be considered. The decision to add
vancomycin to initial empirical therapy should be individu-
alized; if an indwelling catheter is considered a likely source
of infection, if resistant gram-positive infection is considered
likely because of prophylactic administration of antibiotics,
or if significant mucositis, hypotension, or other hemody-
namic instability is present, then vancomycin may be added
to the initial regimen. However, it has been demonstrated
that patients do not suffer increased morbidity or mortality
if vancomycin is withheld until clinical or microbiologic
evidence for such an infection exists.
Once results of blood and other body fluid cultures
become available, antimicrobial therapy may be directed at
specific organisms identified. If, however, the patient remains
febrile after 5–7 days of broad-spectrum antimicrobial ther-
apy and no source of infection has been found, empirical
antifungal therapy should be considered. Amphotericin B
traditionally has been the antifungal agent of choice in this
setting. Acceptable alternatives include lipid formulations of
amphotericin B or echinocandins. Approximately one-third
of neutropenic patients who remain febrile for 1 week or
more on broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy will be found
to have a systemic fungal infection, usually with Candida or
Aspergillus species. Importantly, isolation of C. glabrata and
C. krusei is more common than C. albicans in some centers,
and affects the choice of empirical antifungal agent.
Organ Transplant Recipients
Organ transplant recipients, because of the nature of their
immunosuppressive therapy, are particularly vulnerable to
infectious complications. Susceptibility to specific infectious
complications in the transplant host varies over time in the
posttransplant setting. A patient’s risk of acquiring a partic-
ular infection is determined by his or her state of immuno-
suppression, as well as individual epidemiologic exposures,
both in the community and in the hospital (eg,M.tubercu-
losis or Legionella). In the first month after transplantation,
90% of infectious complications are typical hospital-
acquired infections, such as transplant wound infection,
pneumonia, urinary tract infection, or catheter-related infec-
tion. Rarely, a systemic infection may be transmitted with
the allograft, or more commonly, an underlying latent infec-
tion in the transplant recipient may recrudesce with
immunosuppression. One to six months following trans-
plantation, organ transplant recipients experience maximal
T-cell immune dysfunction and therefore are particularly
vulnerable to intracellular pathogens (eg, cytomegalovirus,
human herpes virus 7, P. jiroveci, L. monocytogenes, cryptococci,
Toxoplasma, and M. tuberculosis) and endemic mycoses that
may reactivate during this period. In the absence of an