In the hemodynamically stable patient, intermittent
hemodialysis can provide the most rapid removal of fluid by
easily removing 1–2 L of fluid per hour by ultrafiltration. In
patients with vascular instability, one of the continuous ther-
apies is more appropriate because modest rates of fluid
removal can proceed steadily throughout the day. For exam-
ple, peritoneal dialysis can provide for the gentle removal of
the 2–3 L/day necessitated by intravenous medications and
hyperalimentation. Excessive net fluid removal (>5–10
L/day), however, may lead to hypernatremia because fluid
removed by peritoneal dialysis is hyponatric when compared
with plasma. In patients presenting with massive fluid over-
load, continuous hemofiltration offers the best-tolerated
treatment because the ultrafiltrate is isosmotic. A reasonable
combination of treatments would employ several days of con-
tinuous hemofiltration to achieve normovolemia, followed by
intermittent hemodialysis to provide maintenance therapy.
Electrolyte Abnormalities
Electrocardiographic changes caused by hyperkalemia
should be treated initially with nondialytic therapy (eg, cal-
cium, glucose, and insulin). The only renal replacement ther-
apy capable of rapid potassium removal is machine-driven
hemodialysis, providing clearance rates of 150–250 mL/min
or more (see Table 13–11). Neither continuous hemofiltra-
tion nor peritoneal dialysis can achieve potassium clearance
rates much above 20–40 mL/min, and both these continuous
therapies are best reserved for normalization of modest lev-
els of hyperkalemia or for maintaining potassium balance.
Toxic serum levels of calcium, magnesium, or phosphate
are also most rapidly corrected with machine-driven hemodial-
ysis. Once normal levels are achieved, any of the renal replace-
ment therapies can maintain homeostasis if nutritional intake
is limited and magnesium-containing phosphate binders are
avoided. Renal replacement therapies using dialysate (ie,
hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or continuous hemodialysis)
may contain calcium concentrations of 3.5 meq/L (1.75 mmol/L
of ionized calcium) in the dialysate. Therefore, successful and
rapid treatment of hypercalcemia requires lower dialysate cal-
cium concentrations of 2.5 meq/L (1.25 mmol/L) or less.
Severe hypophosphatemia may complicate all renal replace-
ment therapies, especially in patients being maintained on
intravenous hyperalimentation devoid of phosphate.
Acid-Base Abnormalities
Uremic acidosis rarely generates more than 50–100 mmol
acid per day and can be easily corrected by any of the renal
replacement techniques. Severe uremic acidosis is encoun-
tered most often as a presenting abnormality of unattended
chronic renal failure. Under these conditions, hemodialysis
can provide the most rapid correction of acidosis, but aggres-
sive hemodialysis may precipitate a dysequilibrium syn-
drome. Despite associated hyperkalemia, the dialysate bath
composition should include at least 2 mmol/L potassium
because correction of acidosis causes a substantial lowering
of serum potassium concentration. Consideration also
should be given to a relatively low-calcium bath (2.5 meq/L)
because overly aggressive correction of long-standing
hypocalcemia may precipitate nausea, vomiting, muscle
cramping, and hypertension.
Lactic acid may be produced at rates of up to 50 mmol/h
and usually is associated with severe hemodynamic instabil-
ity. Although daily hemodialysis can provide adequate
replacement of lost bicarbonate, the patient may be left with
rapidly worsening acidosis during the interdialytic period.
Continuous hemofiltration can provide continuous correc-
tion of acidosis and may be best for managing the fluid over-
load often associated with shock and its treatment.
Replacement solutions containing 150 mmol/L bicarbonate
can provide as much as 100 mmol/h of continuous buffer
replacement, but required calcium replacement must be
administered in a separate solution. Peritoneal dialysis, with
exchanges at 2 L/h, can provide approximately 25 mmol
buffer per hour. Dialytic solutions containing lactate should
be avoided because conversion to bicarbonate may be slowed
in patients with circulatory impairment.
Although urea is not universally accepted as a uremic toxin,
its levels are used most commonly to judge the degree of ure-
mic toxicity. Several studies suggest that maintaining predial-
ysis BUN at or below 120 mg/dL (43 mmol/L) is beneficial
for overall survival, and it is no longer acceptable to tolerate
excessively high urea levels prior to initiation of renal
replacement therapy. There is good or better evidence to sug-
gest that proper protein-calorie nutrition is also beneficial.
Thus it is inappropriate to withhold adequate nutrition in
order to avoid the associated increase in nitrogen and fluid
intake. On empirical grounds, when pericarditis,
encephalopathy, or hemorrhage is associated with BUN lev-
els above 100 mg/dL, it is hard to argue that such symptoms
are not at least partially the result of retained uremic toxins.
With the preceding considerations in mind, it is reasonable
to initiate renal replacement therapy when BUN is above
100 mg/dL (36 mmol/L). Nonetheless, if rapid return of
renal function is anticipated (eg, in the presence of prerenal
azotemia or obstructive uropathy), levels of 150 mg/dL
(54 mmol/L) or more may be tolerated for a limited period.
Specific indications for dialytic therapy for complications
of uremia include uremic encephalopathy, pericarditis, and
uremic platelet dysfunction. Slowed mentation, somnolence,
and convulsions are part of the uremic syndrome and are
usually associated with other neuromuscular manifestations,
including asterixis, myoclonus, and muscle twitching. In gen-
eral, these symptoms respond within several days after the
start of dialytic therapy.
Despite the existence of massive pericardial effusions,
patients with uremic pericarditis may present with hyper-
tension and pulmonary congestion. The treatment of ure-
mic pericarditis often presents two distinct problems: