and lymphocytes and their cytokines, prostaglandins,
leukotrienes, platelets, coagulation factors, adhesion mole-
cules, and immunoglobulins, as well as exogenous substances
such as endotoxin and other products of bacteria and
fungi. Endogenous cell products have received the most
attention—some as mediators of injury, such as oxygen rad-
icals and proteolytic and elastolytic enzymes, but others as
amplifiers of inflammation and injury, such as interleukins,
platelet-activating factor, complement, and other substances
that are chemotactic, bronchoreactive, or vasoreactive. These
may be active in the early, middle, or late phases of lung
injury. A role for injury from oxygen radicals is supported by
the finding of reduced alveolar fluid glutathione in patients
with ARDS. The coagulation system has been suggested by
some investigators as having a central role in lung injury, per-
haps by linking intravascular events to direct injury to the
endothelium and by activation of inflammatory sequences.
Elevated plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) are
found in some patients with ARDS but also in those with
sepsis and other systemic disorders. A potent cytokine, TNF
has a variety of systemic effects, some of which could cause
or potentiate lung damage. The finding of several elevated
cytokines in ARDS suggests the possibility of common regu-
latory factors being involved. One factor, NF-κB, regulates
production of TNF, interleukin 1 (IL-1), IL-6, and IL-8. This
hypothesis is attractive because of the frequent association of
IL-6, TNF, and IL-8 with lung injury. More recently, ARDS
has been linked to toll-like receptors (TLRs), which respond
to a variety of substances to trigger a vast cytokine response.
TLRs are responsible for innate immunity; this could
explain the common finding of ALI in response to the range
of inciting factors.
A key role for polymorphonuclear leukocytes in lung
injury is supported by finding neutrophils in large numbers
in the lungs of ARDS patients. Furthermore, neutrophils are
primed to release potentially toxic substances from their
granules, neutrophil chemotactic factors and activators are
increased, and in some animal models, lung injury is attenu-
ated after neutrophil depletion. For example, neutrophil-
activating protein/interleukin-8 (NAP-1/IL-8) has been
found in high concentrations in alveolar fluid, and there was
a correlation with the number of neutrophils. High concen-
trations of NAP-1/IL-8 also were associated with poor clinical
outcome. On the other hand, neutropenic cancer patients
may develop ARDS indistinguishable from that observed in
nonneutropenic patients, and diffuse alveolar damage in
some animal models does not require the presence of neu-
trophils. Levels of both cytokines and modulators of cytokine
function are highly variable in ARDS, and it is clear that
cytokines taken individually or as patterns of response are not
able to predict development or prognosis of ARDS. In paral-
lel with the diversity of clinical conditions associated with dif-
fuse alveolar damage and ALI, it is highly likely that different
conditions in different patients explain why consistent find-
ings cannot be identified. While this makes a single common
causative mechanism unlikely, this hypothesis helps to
explain why so many conditions can result in very similar his-
tologic and physiologic features. Nevertheless, there is now
ample evidence that persistent elevation of inflammatory
cytokines in blood or alveolar fluid is associated with poor
outcome in ARDS in all forms of this disorder.
Patients may develop secondary bacterial or fungal pneu-
monia during the course of ARDS, further confusing the pic-
ture. Administration of high concentrations of inspired oxygen
contributes to lung injury, and high airway pressure and rela-
tively high tidal volume during mechanical ventilation are
closely linked to worsening pulmonary edema and fibrosis. On
the other hand, higher oxygen requirements and airway pres-
sures may simply indicate more severe underlying disease.
B. Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema—Normal lungs are
kept very dry to permit efficient gas exchange, and the struc-
ture and activity of the lungs maintain only a small amount
of fluid in the lungs. Normal lungs have tight junctions
between alveolar epithelial cells, an extensive lymphatic sys-
tem, low hydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary capillaries,
and other mechanisms to avoid pulmonary edema. Thus,
lung injury from any number of insults can promote pul-
monary edema by damaging these mechanisms.
Pulmonary edema is a major clinical manifestation of
ARDS, and the pulmonary edema fluid contains a high con-
centration of protein. This is in marked contrast to pul-
monary edema owing to elevated pulmonary venous
pressure (hydrostatic pulmonary edema) or to decreased
plasma albumin concentration (hypo-oncotic pulmonary
edema), in which the edema fluid is a low-protein transu-
date. ARDS also has been called exudative or noncardiogenic
pulmonary edema, reflecting the increased permeability of
the injured lung to water, solute, and protein. Exudative pul-
monary edema forms in the absence of elevated pulmonary
artery wedge pressure, and the ratio of edema fluid protein to
plasma protein is high. Edema fluid accumulates both in the
pulmonary interstitium and in the alveoli, and because of
potential fluid pathways, lung lymphatics and bronchovascu-
lar spaces (surrounding the bronchioles, bronchi, and pul-
monary arteries) may become engorged. Pulmonary edema
removal by the pulmonary circulation and lymphatics,
including active transport of solute and water, is severely
impaired because of the ALI. In a minority of ARDS patients,
the pulmonary epithelium is able to resolve pulmonary
edema during the first 12 hours. This probably reflects rela-
tively preserved epithelial cells that might increase solute and
water transport in response to β-adrenergic agonists. These
and other drugs are currently being studied.
C. Chronic Lung Injury—Diffuse alveolar damage seen in
ARDS may follow several courses, including resolving
entirely with little or no evidence of chronic damage after
weeks or months. However, other patients develop mild to
severe pulmonary fibrosis. One of the most interesting find-
ings in ARDS is evidence of very early deposition of type III
collagen (procollagen III peptide in alveolar fluid) in the
lung, sometimes within 24 hours of the onset of diffuse