modes (see below). Dynamic hyperinflation and its marker,
PEEPi, should be suspected in any patient with obstructive
lung disease receiving mechanical ventilation—and in others
with unexplained hypotension or worsening of gas exchange.
Features suggesting dynamic hyperinflation include worsen-
ing of gas exchange with increasing minute ventilation,
hypotension, presence of expiratory flow at end expiration,
high minute ventilation requirements (especially if greater
than 15–20 L/min), and short expiratory time.
Common Methods of Mechanical Ventilation
The most common modes of mechanical ventilation (sum-
marized in Table 12–7) include (1) volume-preset (volume-
cycled), assist-control ventilation, (2) pressure-controlled
ventilation, (3) pressure-support ventilation, (4) intermit-
tent mandatory ventilation, and (5) airway pressure-release
ventilation. Other methods are used less often or are avail-
able only on a limited number of ventilators. New modes are
constantly being introduced, but it is not clear whether any
of these offer useful improvements. Discussions of mechani-
cal ventilation in patients with neuromuscular and chest wall
disorders, ARDS, and obstructive lung diseases are found in
the sections devoted to management of those disorders later
in this chapter.
A. Classification of Mechanical Ventilators—A universally
accepted classification of mechanical ventilators has not been
developed. Historically, successive generations of ventilators
have offered a variety of complex capabilities. First-generation
ventilators were limited to the assist-control mode only.
Second-generation ventilators added intermittent mandatory
ventilation (IMV), PEEP, and improved monitoring capabili-
ties. Later machines used microprocessors to provide a
broader range of options, including pressure-control and
pressure-support modes, time or volume cycling, and various
combinations. Some ventilators incorporate circuits that min-
imize the work of breathing and enhance monitoring capabil-
ities with graphic displays. The newest mechanical ventilators
have modes that allow patients to breathe spontaneously with
pressure-support assistance and can provide additional venti-
lation to meet preset targets. Some newer modes can tailor the
inspiratory flow pattern to limit the rise in airway pressure.
1. Inspiratory phase—The ventilator mode indicates how
the patient-ventilator system initiates inspiration. The start
of inspiration can be completely machine-controlled (con-
trol mode) or chosen by the patient (assist-control mode). A
respiratory rate is set by the clinician, but in the assist-
control mode, if the patient chooses to breathe at a faster
rate, this overrides the set rate.
The changeover from the inspiratory to the expiratory
phase is how the ventilator is cycled. A useful scheme divides
mechanical ventilator methods into those in which the
primary preset independent variable is tidal volume
(volume-preset), airway pressure (pressure-preset), or time.
The ventilator is volume-cycled, time-cycled, or pressure-
cycled depending on whether the inspiratory phase ends
when a preset tidal volume, inspiratory time, or circuit pres-
sure is reached. The inspiratory flow rate and pattern often
can be adjusted to provide an increasing, decreasing, or sinu-
soidal flow pattern during inspiration. Tidal volume, airway
pressure, inspiratory flow rate, and inspiratory time are nec-
essarily interactive. Thus, with different methods of mechan-
ical ventilation, several variables are independent, whereas
the others are dependent.
2. Expiratory phase—Exhalation is passive, occurring
because lung recoil and chest wall recoil create positive pres-
sure in the alveolar space relative to atmospheric pressure. If
the exhalation is stopped before completion, end-expiratory
lung volume rises and end-expiratory pressure is positive rel-
ative to atmosphere. Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
is often chosen to stabilize alveoli, prevent collapse of lung
units, and improve hypoxemia in certain situations. All
modes of positive-pressure mechanical ventilation described
below can have PEEP added.
B. Volume-Preset Ventilation—Also called the volume-
cycled assist-control mode, this is the most frequently used
method of mechanical ventilatory support and is suitable for
almost all types of respiratory failure. Basically, the ventilator
delivers a preset tidal volume at a constant inspiratory flow at
a respiratory frequency set on the machine.
In the assist-control mode, the physician chooses a respi-
ratory frequency. However, the assist-control mode allows
the patient to initiate a ventilator-delivered breath by making
an inspiratory effort. The ventilator senses this effort as a fall
in ventilator circuit pressure. If the patient makes an inspira-
tory effort sufficient to “trigger” the ventilator at a frequency
greater than the set respiratory frequency, the patient effec-
tively determines the respiratory rate. If no inspiratory
efforts are made or detected, the respiratory rate is equal to
the preset rate. In general, the preset respiratory rate should
be chosen to be slightly less than the patient’s spontaneous
rate, if any. This will guarantee that the patient will receive a
relatively safe amount of ventilation in the event of patient
apnea or hypopnea. The amount of patient effort needed to
trigger the ventilator (sensitivity) can be adjusted on the ven-
tilator. Sensitivity is usually chosen to be 1–2 cm H
O less
than the end-expiratory pressure, although many ventilators
sense “flow” as the triggering event. However, water con-
densed in the ventilator tubing, unavoidable delay in the trig-
gering mechanism, and the presence of PEEPi may make it
more difficult to trigger the ventilator.
Using volume-preset ventilation, recommended tidal
volume has been as much as 10–12 mL/kg of ideal body
weight, but current recommendations of between 6 and
8 mL/kg of ideal weight minimize barotrauma, decrease
lung injury, and improve survival in ARDS. These tidal volumes
should result in an inspiratory plateau pressure of less than
30 cm H
O, although even that pressure is debated. The
actual delivered tidal volume may be smaller or larger than
what is selected. Patients who inspire vigorously along with
the ventilator-delivered breath may draw additional volume
from the ventilator. A smaller than expected tidal volume