agents. Salmeterol is a long-acting β-adrenergic agonist useful
for chronic treatment of asthma to prevent rather than treat
bronchospasm. It is not recommended for acute bron-
chospastic attacks. In fact, some asthmatics appear to have
worsening of asthma with use of long-acting β-adrenergic
agonists, including increased risk of death. Fomoterol is a
potent long-acting β-agonist with a short onset of action; its
effects are likely to be similar to that of salmeterol.
Albuterol can be given as two to four puffs from an MDI
every 4–6 hours in stable patients with obstructive lung dis-
ease and bronchospasm. In patients with acute exacerbations
of bronchospasm, the number of puffs can be increased to six
to eight (or more, if tolerated) and the frequency to every 1–2
hours if needed. The response should be objectively meas-
ured, preferably by FEV
or peak flow, to document the need
for the higher dose; adverse effects should be monitored care-
fully, especially when the doses given exceed usual recom-
mendations. Waiting 3–5 minutes between puffs improves the
effectiveness of a given dose. A nebulized solution of 0.2–0.5 mL
of albuterol (0.5%) or metaproterenol (5%) diluted in 2–3 mL
of normal saline can be given by gas-powered nebulizer or
intermittent positive-pressure breathing every 2–6 hours, but
there is no evidence that this is more effective than adminis-
tration by MDI. Individual patients may have a better
response with certain routes of delivery, and poor response to
one route does not rule out beneficial effects from another.
Patients receiving mechanical ventilation have been
treated by incorporating a nebulizer or aerosol generator in
the ventilator circuit. MDIs have been adapted successfully
for use with ventilators, but the type of adaptor and, most
important, the dose of medication administered greatly
affect the degree of bronchodilation. Patients who do not
have the desired effect using a nebulizer or MDI should be
considered for the alternative form of delivery, or the dose of
β-adrenergic agonist should be adjusted.
C. Adverse Effects—Side effects particularly important in
the ICU and that may limit β-adrenergic agonist use include
tremors, tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmias, and
hypokalemia. Cardiac effects other than tachycardia may
become important in patients with ischemic heart disease,
but chest pain and ischemia are unusual. Tachycardia is
sometimes more associated with respiratory distress and
hypoxemia than with β-adrenergic agonists and may resolve
after bronchodilator therapy. Hypokalemia is exacerbated by
thiazide diuretics and is caused by shifts of potassium from
extracellular to intracellular compartments in response to β-
adrenergic stimulation.
An uncommon complication of β-adrenergic agonists is
worsening of hypoxemia from exacerbation of ventilation-
perfusion mismatching. This may occur because these drugs
oppose appropriate localized pulmonary artery vasocon-
striction in areas of low ventilation-perfusion ratio;
increased blood flow to these regions increases hypoxemia.
Systemic side effects result largely from absorption
through the mucous membranes of the mouth, and their
incidence may be reduced by spacers or reservoirs that
generate a mix of aerosol particles that more effectively
reaches the intrathoracic airways. Patients should be
instructed to rinse the mouth after each inhalation of the
Heavy use of β-adrenergic agonist therapy in asthma is
associated with an increased risk of death and exacerbation
of bronchospasm. The mechanism is unknown but may
relate to side effects of the medications or, paradoxically, to
their effectiveness as bronchodilators but not as drugs that
address the underlying cause of asthma. Of particular con-
cern are adverse responses, including death, related to long-
acting β-adrenergic agonists such as salmeterol.
Concomitant corticosteroids are associated with a reduction
in this risk. These findings may or may not be relevant in the
management of status asthmaticus in the ICU.
β-adrenergic blockers are used commonly in ICU
patients for hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and cardiac
arrhythmias. β-adrenergic agonists are less effective when
receptors are blocked, and variable effects on both bron-
chodilation and the underlying cardiovascular condition are
likely to be encountered. Caution should be exercised with β-
adrenergic agonists in patients with cardiac disease,
hypokalemia, or other potential complicating factors.
The bronchodilator response to anticholinergic (parasympa-
tholytic) drugs depends on the degree of intrinsic parasym-
pathetic tone. These agents play a somewhat smaller role in
asthma, a disorder in which the mechanism of airway
obstruction is inflammation, than in chronic bronchitis, in
which more parasympathetic tone is present.
Ipratropium bromide is the only anticholinergic agent
used for acute exacerbation. Atropine sulfate should no
longer be given as a bronchodilator because of its systemic
toxicity, including decreased airway and salivary gland secre-
tions, decreased gastrointestinal (GI) motility, tachycardia,
decreased urinary bladder function, pupillary dilation, and
increased intraocular pressure. On the other hand, iprat-
ropium bromide given by inhalation is barely detectable in
the blood and, because it is a quaternary ammonium com-
pound, does not pass easily through lipid membranes,
including the blood-brain barrier. Therefore, ipratropium’s
effects are strongly limited to bronchodilation, and only a
very few complaints of other systemic parasympatholytic
action have been encountered even when large doses are
administered. Tiotropium, a long-acting anticholinergic
inhaled powder, is intended for chronic prevention of bron-
chospasm and has no role in acute exacerbations.
A. Indications—Anticholinergics are recommended prima-
rily for bronchodilation in patients with chronic bronchitis.
Some investigators have recommended ipratropium bromide
as first-line outpatient therapy, but ipratropium always
should be used in combination with β-adrenergic agonists
when treating respiratory failure. Because the effectiveness of
anticholinergics depends on the degree of parasympathetically