11.3 Slope/Basin Carbonates
succession forms a wedge that begins with outer-ramp carbonate muds and bio-
clastic limestones containing abundant crinoid and brachiopod remains. Reef
mounds with relief up to 200 m also formed in the outer-ramp setting. Outer-
ramp deposits give way in a shoreward direction to bioclastic sand bodies of the
mid-ramp and finally to ooid sand bodies laid down as shoals or beaches in the
nearshore area.
Epeiric Plaorms
The great bulk of carbonate sediments formed throughout geologic time have
probably been deposited on epeiric platforms (Fig. 11.2). Such platforms were
widespad at various times, such as the late Precambrian (e.g., China), Cambro
Ordovician (e.g., North America; Middle East), Mississippian, Triassic-Jurassic
(e.g., weste Europe), Permian, and Tertiary (e.g., Middle East) (Wright d
Burchette, 1996; Tucker and Wright, 1990). Storms and hurricanes were likely
dominant processes on these broad shelves; however, tidal processes may also
have been important (e.g., Pratt and James, 1986). Shelf carbonate facies are char
acterized by distinctive suites of largely normal marine organisms and carbonate
xtures that are generally muddy, alough lithofacies types range from lime
mudstones, wackestones, grainstones, and packstones to stromatolitic bound
stones and patch-reef boundstones. Bedding of shelf carbonates is variable and
lens- or wedge-shaped layers are common, although some shelf carbonate beds
may be laterally extensive. Carbonates are commonly interbedded with thin shale
beds. Sedimentary structures include cross-bedding in lime-sand units, extensive
bioturbation structures and burrows, and flaser and nodular bedding.
Many epeiric deposits appear to be dominated by shallowing-upward cyclic
successions that range from a few tens of meters to hundreds of meters thick.
Many successions begin with a high-energy carbonate sand or conglomerate unit
followed upward progressively in the depositional succession by sediments de
posited in the lower energy, subtidal, open-marine shelf; intertidal zone; suprati
dal zone; and possible nonmarine environment. Some depositional cycles appear
to have ended with deposition of evaporites. Such a succession is basically regres
sive (progradational); however, because rates of carbonate sedimentation com
monly exceed rates of basin subsidence or sea-level rise, sediments also build
upward toward sea level. Sediment is thus deposited in progressively shallower
water as the sediment surface acctes toward sea level, generating the shallowing
upward successions (e.g., James, 1984b). lntraplatform basins, with water depth
less than 100-200 m, can form within epeiric platforms. During sea
level highstands, water within these basins may be stratified-oxygenated at the
top but suboxic to anoxic at the bottom. Sea-level lowstands may lead to isolation
of the basin and onset of evaporitic condions (Wright and Burchette, 1996).
Repetition of large-scale shallowing-upward successions may be largely the
result of repeated episodes of rapid sea-level rise, ooding the carbonate platform,
followed by periods of standstill during which shallowing-upward successions
develop, e.g., Wilkinson (1982). Osleger and Read (1991) suggest that meter-scale
cyclicity is the result of Milankovich-forced sea-level oscillations (see discussion of
stratigraphic cycles in Chapter 12), with a cyclicity on the order of 20,000-40,000
years. Several additional examples of ancient carbonate platform deposits are dis
cussed in Alsharhan and Scott (2000) and Zempolich and Cook (2002).
Although we tend to think of carbonate sedimen as sictly shallow-water de
posits, as mentioned, deeper-water carbonates have been identified in several areas
of e mode ocean, such as the slope and adjacent basin floor around the Bahama