Eratl .em, 515
Ergs, 258, 260
Erosion structures, 97-101
Erosional truncaon, 46
Eskers, 282
Estuaries and estuarine systems,
ancient examples of, 321, 322
hydrologic and sediment
characteristics of, 319-321
major types, 319-321
physiography of, 318, 319
Eustatic sea level change,
416, 417
Evaporative drawdown, 204, 205
Evaporative pumping, 185
Evaporites, 198-206
classification of, 199-203
composition of, 199
diagenesis of, 206
environments, 390-395
ancient, 393-395
mode, 390-393
evaporation sequence of, 203
models for deposition,
203-206, 394
origin of, 20206
Event correlation, 533-538
Event stratigraphy, 398, 533
Evolution, organic, 485, 486
deterministic vs. probablistic,
491, 492
gradualistic model for,
punctuational model for,
rates of, 489, 490
Extinction of species, 49194
Extinction mass, 492
Extraclasts, 162
Fabric, 70
Facies, 412, 413
FAD (st appearance datum),
507, 521-523
Fan deltas, 299, 300
Fa reef, 382
Faal succession principle of,
Feldspars, 120, 121
Feldspaic artes, 129, 130, 133
Fence diagrams, 570, 571
Fission-track age dating, 526
Fjards, 318
Fj ords, 318
Flame structures, 75, 94, 95
Flaser bedding, 75, 91, 92
Flow regimes, 83
Flow separation, 85, 86
Flow velocity, 25
density of, 22
types of, 45
viscosity of, 22
Flu�d escape structus, 75
Flllld flow, 22-27
of, 35, 36
types of, 456
Flute casts, 49, 75, 100, 101
Fluvial architecture, 256
Fluvial deposional systems,
Flysch, 365
Fondaform, 441
Foraminifers, 371
Foramol carbonate sediments,
Fore-arc basins, 562
Foreld basins, 564
Formation density log, 429
Formation stratigraphic, 400,
Form (shape) of parcles, 65,
Fossil soils, 3, 17
Fourier shape analysis, 66, 67
Francolite, 225
Freeze-that (frost) weathering, 4
Frequency curve (grain size),
55, 56
Frging reefs, 382
Froude number, 26, 27
Fusel, Geo Christian, 417
Ga ray logs, 429-431
Gauss Epoch (polarity zone),
466, 467, 471
Geochronologic uts, 419
Geochronologic scale, 514, 515,
Geochronometric units, 419, 517
Geohistory diagrams, 552
Geologic time scale, 518-533
calibration of, 520-533
development of, 518-520
Geologic e units, 513-517
Geomagnetic polarity time
scale, 466
Geophysical studies, 576, 577
Geostatic gradient, 146
Geostatic pressure, 146
Geosophic currents, 340
Geosynclines, 550
Geoermal gradient, 146
Geoermometers, 151
Gilbert Epoch (polarity zone),
Gilberttype deltas, 293
Glacial systems, 276-287
deposits of, 285-287
environmental setting of,
276, 277
glacial facies, 28285
transport and deposional
processes in, 35, 277-280
Glaciofluvial sediment, 282
Glaciolacusine sediments, 282
Gla omarine sementaon d
sedimen, 284, 285, 362
radiomeic age deteration
of, 530, 531
Glossngites, 103-105, 109
Graded bedding, 75, 80, 81
Gradualism (in evolution), 489
Grain contacts, 72
Grain ows, 44
deposits of, 45
Grain orientation, 70, 71
Grain packing, 71, 72
Grain Reynolds number, 31
Grain shape, 658
Grain size
measurement of (methods),
environmenl significance of,
graphical d mathematical
treatment of data, 551
scales, 52, 53
sorting, 57, 58
statiscs, 51
Grain-supported fabrics, 73
Grapestones, 165
Graphic biocorrelation meod,
Graywacke, 130
Great Barrier Reef Australia,
382, 383
Greenhouse states,409, 410
Groove casts, 49, 75, , 100
Groups (stratigraphic), 400,
420, 421
Grus, 133
Guano deposits, 227
Guide fossils, 488
Gypsum, 199, 200
Hailstone imprints, 113
life (of radioactive
isotopes), 523, 525
Hali, 199, 202, 203
Halmyrolysis, 13
Hardgrounds, 190
Heavy merals, 121, 122, 123
Helical ow, 252, 254
Hemipelagic mud, 357, 358
Heatypic corals, 384
Herringbone cross-stratification,
Heterozoan association, 373