OBLIQUITY: the tilt of Eah's
axis changes in a 41 Ka cycle
12.4 Vertical and Lateral Successions of Strata
PRECESSION: wobble of Earth's
axis has a 19 to 23 Ka cycle
ECCENTRICITY: Earth's orbit
changes shape in the plane of the
ecliptic in �100 Ka and �400 Ka cycles
Figu 12.1 1
Diagram of the Earth-Moon-Sun system,
illustrating the causes of oscillations that
produce changes in the amount of solar
radiation reaching Earth. These oscilla
tions may, in turn, lead to orbitally forced
changes in Earth's climate and thus the
sedimentary record (e.g., cycles). [Modi
fied from House, M. R., 1995, Orbital
forcing timescales: An introduction, in
House, M. R., and A. S. Gale (eds.), Or
bital forcing timescales and cyclostratig
raphy: Geological Society Special
Publication 85, Fig. 9, p. 10, reproduced
by permission.]
Many cycles of smaller scale than third-order cycles have now been identi
fied. These cycles, often referred to informally as bed-scale or meter-scale cycles,
have durations less than one million years. Cycles with durations ranging from
0.2 to 0.5 million years are called fourth-order cycles, and those with durations
from 0.01 to 0.2 million years are called fifth-order cycles. It now appears that
most of these cycles are related to changes in Earth's orbital parameters (Fig.
12.11). Earth's axis of rotation precesses (the position of the rotational pole wob
bles) in two predominant periods averaging 19,000 and 23,000 years. The axis also
changes its inclination, called obliquity, from 21S to 24.4° in a cycle of about
41,000 years. In addition, its orbit changes from almost circular to almost elliptical
(eccenicity) in two main cycles, one with a cycle of 106,000 years, the other with
a period of 410,000 years. These orbital variations produce cyclic variations in the
intensity and seasonal distribution of incoming solar radiation. Because of such
variations, incoming solar radiation may at times be reduced sufficiently to pre
vent complete summer melt of winter snowpack, leading eventually to snowpack
buildup and subsequent development of continental glaciers with resulting re
moval of large amounts of water from the ocean (lowered sea
These variations in Earth's orbital behavior produce periodic changes of cli
mate, called Milankovitch cycles, which, in tum, influence sea level and deposi
tional patterns and facies (e.g., de Boer and Smith, 1994; Gale, 1998; Schwarzacher,
1993). Milankovitch was a Serbian mathematician who calculated orbital varia
tions accurately for the first time and showed how these variations affected the
amount of solar radiation reaching Earth. He suggested that these orbital cycles
caused climatic changes that led to the ice ages, thus affecting sea levels. This pos
tulated link between orbital cycles, climate, and sea level is sometimes referred to
as orbital forcing (e.g., de Boer, 1991; House and Gale, 1995). Cycles of Mi
lankovitch frequency are particularly well developed in Quaternary strata, and a
high-resolution orbital time scale graduated in precession units of 21,000 years has
been constructed for strata extending back to the base of the Miocene. Mi
lankovitch cycles may also be features of older sedimentary succession; however,
their frequencies are more difficult to identify (Gale, 1998). Milankovitch cycles
have been recognized in a variety of rock types including limestone-marl (clayey
carbonate) successions, limestone-shale successions, limestone-shale-coal succes
sions (cyclothems), chert-shale successions, evaporite deposits, and muds and
shales consisting of alternating light and dark (organic-rich) layers. e study of