Further Reading
evaporites of the North Sea area were deposited in a huge intercratonic basin that
extended from the British Isles to easte Poland and Lithuania. More than 2
of carbonates, evaporites, and siliciclastics were deposited during a period of five
million years (Menning, Katzung, and Lutzner, 1988). Evaporites include carbon
ates, anhydrite, halite, and potash salts, and deposition took place in settings that
ranged, at various mes, from water as deep as 200m to shallow-water brine flats.
The Miocene Messinian evaporites of the Mediterranean region cover an
area of about 24 00 X 600 km in Sicily and the eastern Apennines. The evaporite
consists of carbonates, gypsum/anhydrite, halite, and potash salts that range in
ickness from a few meters at the basin margin to more than 2 km in the basin
center. The evaporite succession is underlain and overlain by deep-water marine
sediments, suggesting desiccation of the entire Mediterranean Basin (Kendall and
Harwood, 1996). A few of the evaporites appear to be sabkha deposits; however,
most apparently formed in shallow subaqueous environments, whereas a few
contain evenly laminated beds that suggest deeper water.
Abegg, E., P. M. Harris, and D. B. Loope (eds.), 2001, Mern
and ancient carbonate eolianites: Sedimentology, sequence
stratigraphy, and diagnesis: SEPM Special Publicaon No. 71,
207 p.
Alsharhan, A. 5., and R. W. Scott (eds.), 2000, Middle East models
of Jurassic/Cretaceous carbonate Systems: SEP Special
Publication No. 69,364 p.
Camoin, G. , and P. J. Davies, 18, Reefs and carbonate plat
forms in the Pacific and Indian Oceans: International Associa
tion ofSedimentologists, Spec. Pub!. No. 25, Blackwell Science
Ltd., Oxford, 328 p.
Fransn, E. K., M. Esteban, W. C. Ward, and J-M. Rouchv. 1996,
Models for carbonate stratigraphy from Miocene reef com
plexes of Mediterranean regions: Concepts in sedimentology
and paleontology, v. 5, Society for Sedimentary Geology,
Okla., 391 p.
james, N. P., and J. A. D. Clarke, 1997, Cool-water carbonates:
SEPM Special Publication No. 56, Society for Sedimentary
Geology, Tulsa, Okla., 440 p.
Kisling, W., E. Fliigel, and J. Golonka (eds.), 2002, Phanerozoic
reef pattes: SEPM Special Publication No. , Society for
dimentary Geology, Tulsa, Okla,, 775 p.
A. J., and P. M. Harris (eds.), 1991, Mixed carbonat
siliciclastic sequences: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Miner
alogists Core Workshop No. 15, 568 p.
Monty, C. L. , D. W. J. Bosence, P. H. Bridges, and B. R. Pratt
(eds.), 1995, Carbonate mud-mounds-eir origin and evo
lution: International Association of Sedimentologists, Spec.
Pub. No. 32, Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, 537 p.
Simo, J. A. T., R. W. Scott, and J.P. Masse (eds.), 1993, Cretaceous
carbonate platforms: AAPG Memoir 56, American Associa
tion Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, Okla., 479 p.
Stanley, G. D., Jr., and J. A. Fagerstrom (eds.), 1988, Ancient reef
ecosystems: Palaios, v. 3, p. 111-.
Tucker, M. E., J. L. Wilson, D. Crevello, J, R. Sarg, and J. Read,
1990, Carbona platforms-Fades, successions and evolu
tion: lnternat. Assoc. Sedimentologists Spec. Pub. No. 9,
Blackwell, Oxford, 328 p.
Tucker, M. E., and P. Wright, 1990, Carbonate sedimentology:
Blackwell, Oxford, 482 p.
Vacher, H, L, and T. M. Quinn (eds.), 1997, Geology and hydrology
carbonate islands: Elsevier Science B. , Amsterdam, 948 p.
Zempolich, C., and H. E. Cook (eds.), 2002, Paleozoic carbonates
of the Commonwealth of dependent States (CIS): Subsurface
reservoirs and outcrop analogs: SEPM Special Publication
No. 74, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Tulsa, Okla., 245 p.
Busson, G., and Schreiber, B. C. (eds.), 1997, Sedimentary deposi
tion in rift and foreland basins in France and Spain: Columbia
University Press, New York, 479 p. (A volume devoted entirely
to evaporite deposits.)
Melvin, J. L. (ed.), 1991, Evaporites, petroleum, and mineral re
sources: Elsevier, Amsterdam, 556 p.
hreiber, B. C. (ed.), 1988, Evaporites and hydrocarbons: Colum
bia University Press, "Jew York, 475 p.
Warren, J. K., 1989, Evaporite sedimentology: Prentice Hall, En
glewood Cliffs, N.)., 285 p.